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A Fixed Annuity Has A Guaranteed Interest Rate Of 4

Question: variable annuities

Answer: Since variable annuities have no guaranteed rate of return, the investment risk is to the owner of the annuity, which is not always the annuitant. Just like in life insurance, an annuity can be purchased on someone else.

Question: immediate annuities


Question: deffered annuities

Answer: they may be used to fund an IRA

they provide tax deffered growth

they provide a source of retirement income

Question: market value adjusted annuities

Answer: Market Value Adjusted annuities are considered to be a type of variable annuity, so the customer must bear part of the investment risk.

Question: non qualified deferred annuity accumulation period


Question: annuity withdrawal penalties


Question: equity indexed annuity

Answer: An EIA is a fixed annuity where both the principal and the interest are guaranteed. However, excess interest earnings above the guaranteed rate may accrue since performance is calculated using an indexing method that is usually linked to the Standard and Poor’s 500 index.

Question: refund annuities

Answer: Refund annuities have very little risk, since if the annuitant dies before they receive the value of their account back, the beneficiary will receive the balance, either in cash or in installments. However, if the annuitant continues to live, monthly payments will be made until their death.

Question: Single Premium Immediate Life Income annuities,

Answer: they have no accumulation period

there is no beneficiary

they may not be surrendered for cash

Question: immediate annuities

Answer: On immediate annuities, payments will begin to the annuitant immediately upon purchase, but payments will stop upon their death. Remember. An immediate annuity is annuitized right away, so it has no accumulation period. Once an annuity has been annuitized, it can no longer be surrendered for cash.