A Flourishing Culture In The Middle Ages

Question: How did the development of universities in medieval Europe strengthen the Church and unify society?

Answer: Universities grew up around cathedrals, and courses of study helped educate clergy.

Question: How did the development of universities affect members of the growing middle class?

Answer: It provided them an opportunity for advancement.

Question: Which precedent did christian scholars set?

Answer: The use of reason to support belief

Question: What was the effect of stained-glass windows in Gothic churches?

Answer: They supplied observers with information about European Christian beliefs.

Question: Which is the best example of the way medieval literature reflects its culture?

Answer: Poem of the Cid is a thrilling war tale that reflects the Christian values shared by most Europeans of many cultures.

Question: Which statement best describes the way Gothic cathedrals reflected the culture of the Middle Ages?

Answer: Their light-filled interiors reflected the longing for religious knowledge and purity.

Question: Which effect did the weakening of the Byzantine empire have on knowledge and learning in Western Europe?

Answer: Scholars who fled Constantinople took with them the knowledge that helped spark the Renaissance.

Question: Why were Byzantine scholars so important to Western Europe?

Answer: They helped preserve ancient Greek and Roman ideas.

Question: Which manner of writing enabled a great deal of literature to reach a wider audience in the late Middle Ages?

Answer: vernacular language.

Question: Which style of medieval architecture does the cathedral in this image represent?

Answer: Gothic.

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