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A Flowchart Identifies The Order Of Events.

Question: Explain why a timeline is considered a cause and effect graphic organizer.

Answer: Timelines are cause and effect graphic organizers because they show the order of events, an event’s place in history and identify events which lead up to, or cause, other events.

Question: Graphic organizers

  1. Synthesize information

c. Create information

b. Evaluate information

d. None of these

Answer: A

Question: To understand the organization of how a bill becomes a law, a flow chart, not a Venn diagram, is best.

Answer: t

Question: The events over the course of a year happen one at a time, therefore a timeline would be appropriate. The timeline must be presented

  1. As a straight line

c. As a spiral shape

b. As a pattern of events

d. The way which best describes the events

Answer: D

Question: To synthesize means to compare and contrast information.

Answer: F

Question: A timeline may identify the cause or effect of an event.

Answer: T

Question: Timelines show

  1. The order of events

c. Why an event may have taken place

b. An event’s place in history

d. All of these

Answer: D

Question: Good timelines are created using special software.

Answer: F

Question: Describe the similarities and differences between timelines and flow charts.

Answer: Timelines and flow charts both show cause and effect relationships. Timelines show events in the order they took place in time. Flow charts show the details of a process.

Question: Which type of cause and effect graphic organizer would be best to identify why we use gasoline in our cars today and what we might use as fuel in the future?

  1. Timeline

c. Both of these

b. Flow chart

d. None of these

Answer: A