I Hate CBT's

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A Person'S Energy Efficiency Can Be Partially Determined By Heredity

Question: A person's energy efficiency can be partially determined by heredity.

Answer: TRUE

Question: People can reduce the number of conflicts in which they are involved if they learn how to identify the causes of conflict.

Answer: TRUE

Question: You are asked to write an article for the school newspaper about fad diets. Which of the following paragraphs would be the most factual? A.Fad diets are extreme and do not include balanced meals. They are usually hard to maintain because of their extreme restrictions. Also, the weight one loses while on a fad diet is generally gained back as soon as a person stops dieting.B.Fad diets can be fun because they rarely restrict what you eat. Plus, they induce weight loss in healthy, maintainable ways, and involve techniques that can improve your flexibility.C.Fad diets, which are necessary for fast weight loss, include healthy, well-balance meals. Unfortunately, the weight you lose while on a fad diet is usually gained back once you stop dieting.D.Fad diets are an important part of a diet regimen. They can induce lifelong weight loss and weight gain, which makes them best for young people who want to lose weight quickly.

Answer: a

Question: Why is it important to thin the blood of someone having a heart attack, but not for someone having a stroke?A.Strokes are not a cardiovascular disease and are not impacted by blood pressure.B.Thinning the blood will cause arteries to relax and allow blood to pass more easily.C.For a stroke, it is necessary to control and stop the bleeding in the brain.D.Blood thinners are only useful for treating coronary heart disease.

Answer: c

Question: Wanda is afraid of gaining weight and putting herself at high risk for disease. She works out on a regular basis and eats right most of the time. Recently, Wanda had some testing done. Her BMI was 17.2 and her waist circumference was 30 inches. Which statement describes the BEST next move for Wanda so she will be at the least risk for disease?A.Wanda must have an MRI done since the results of the BMI and the waist circumference indicate that she is overweight and is at risk for disease.B.Wanda should consider a more specific test, like a caliper test, so she can target exactly how much she needs to lose to lessen her risk for disease.C.Wanda's waist circumference indicates that she is not at risk, but her BMI indicates that she underweight. She should develop a plan to move her BMI into the normal range.D.Wanda's test results show that she is in the normal and healthy range. In order to maintain her current body composition, she should combine cardiovascular training with resistance training.

Answer: c

Question: Which of the following BEST defines muscles?A.long flexible tendons that connect bonesB.tough strong tissues that provide energy to perform physical activities C.thick fibrous cartilage that act when sent electrical signalsD.smooth long fibers that are controlled by the skeletal system

Answer: b

Question: Which of the following exercise comparisons is NOT an example of increasing intensity levels?A.jogging vs. sprintingB.weight lifting with 50 pounds vs. 150 poundsC.cycling 10 miles vs. running 10 milesD.cycling on a level surface vs. cycling uphill

Answer: c

Question: A weight lifter passes out in the gym and is taken to the local hospital. The doctor discovers that she is in shock and also has an enlarged heart. What type of supplement would the doctor consider to be the most likely cause of the problem? A.a muscle-building supplement like a growth hormoneB.an endurance-enhancing supplement like caffeineC.a muscle-building supplement like anabolic steroidsD.an endurance-enhancing supplement like erythropoietin

Answer: a

Question: Sandra is working hard to gain some strength for spring track. She has not done much this winter, so she has decided she will do bench presses and curls on Monday, stomach and back exercises on Wednesday, and squats and leg lifts on Friday. She has decided she will do three sets of 10 for each exercise. What change should Sandra get to make the most of her workout and meet her goals?A.Sandra should give her workout more variety by either altering the exercises, intensity, or volume of work.B.Sandra should change her workout schedule to do all of these exercises every day during the week and take the weekend off to recover.C.Sandra should do her weight lifting during the first three days of the week and use the next four days to incorporate different kinds of cardiovascular exercise.D.Sandra should cut back on the amount of lifting and add some cardiovascular exercise to each workout.

Answer: a

Question: Overall, joining a fitness center is a bigger personal commitment than purchasing home fitness equipment.

Answer: f

Question: Managing body composition is important for good health because too much fat or too little fat negatively affects how the body functions.

Answer: t

Question: It is nearly impossible to succeed in sports without strategies and techniques to improve skills.

Answer: t

Question: One problem with weight training as a way to improve overall health is that the results of a weight-training program are not measurable.

Answer: f

Question: Which of the following is NOT a type of synovial joint in the human body?A.pivotB.stirrupC.hingeD.gliding

Answer: b

Question: Consulting a doctor, choosing the correct clothes, and using appropriate protective equipment are all important steps in beginning an exercise program.

Answer: t

Question: Which of the following BEST describes varicose veins?A.Veins cannot prevent the backflow of blood.B.Veins lose the ability to transport blood to the heart.C.Veins become used for transporting blood to and from the heart.D.Veins become less efficient at transferring waste to the blood.

Answer: a

Question: It is not important to develop effective communication skills.

Answer: f

Question: Which statement BEST describes the process of playing sports? A.No pain, no gain.B.Rules are meant to be broken as long as nobody gets hurt.C.You should understand the risks of each sport and listen to your body.D.none of the above

Answer: c

Question: There are only two or three team sports that affect all the dimensions of health.

Answer: f

Question: Proper nutrition improves a person's mental alertness.

Answer: t

Question: Making good lifestyle choices will result in a healthier life.

Answer: t

Question: Our decisions about health products and treatments are not really influenced by outside factors.

Answer: f

Question: People's perceptions of their own bodies is often quite different than how others perceive them.

Answer: t

Question: How can flexibility training reduce the risk of back pain?A.It can help improve coordination and prevents falls.B.It can help improve the poor posture responsible for back pain.C.It can help improve body composition, reducing load on the backD.It can help increase endorphin levels that reduce pain.

Answer: b

Question: A spotter stands near the lifter with his feet wide and hands near the lower back. He pays careful attention to the bar and makes sure the lifter does not fall backwards. This is MOST likely a spotter for A.an overhead pressB.a dead liftC.a squatD.a bench press

Answer: b