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How Did Henry Ford Affect The Automobile Industry Brainly

Question: Automobiles became increasingly popular because ofFord's use of skilled workers to make high-quality cars one at a time.Ford's decision to make luxury cars that only the wealthy could afford.Ford's invention of interchangeable parts to make affordable automobiles.Ford's revolutionary use of the assembly line to make less-expensive cars.

Answer: Ford's revolutionary use of the assembly line to make less-expensive cars.

Question: In the late 1800s, people used a telegraph to communicatewith a series of bells of varying pitches.with words typed out on a typewriter.with long and short clicks and beeps.with overland mail carriages.

Answer: with long and short clicks and beeps.

Question: How did Granville Woods change the telegraph in 1887?Woods made it possible use the telegraph as a recording device.Woods made it easier for untrained people to use the telegraph.Woods made it possible for moving trains to use telegraphs.Woods made the telegraph lighter and easier to carry around.

Answer: Woods made it possible for moving trains to use telegraphs.

Question: Who invented the telegraph in 1844?Samuel MorseThomas EdisonGranville WoodsAlexander Graham Bell

Answer: Samuel Morse

Question: Which of the following best describes Granville Woods?Woods improved on Samuel Morse's invention.Woods created the code used with the telegraph.Woods created the first set of interchangeable parts.Woods owned the first transcontinental railroad.

Answer: Woods improved on Samuel Morse's invention.

Question: How did Madam C. J. Walker affect the lives of many Americans in the Industrial Age?Walker invented products that paved the way for many of the devices we use today, such as the film camera.Walker improved the telegraph, which helped trains avoid dangerous collisions and kept passengers safe.Walker improved the assembly line, which changed that way that unskilled laborers worked in factories.Walker produced cosmetics and hair products for African American women, which was an underserved market at the time.

Answer: Walker produced cosmetics and hair products for African American women, which was an underserved market at the time.

Question: Which of the following best describes Thomas Edison?Edison improved on Samuel Morse's invention.Edison was responsible for over a thousand patents.Edison created the first set of interchangeable parts.Edison invented the telegraph and the telephone.

Answer: Edison was responsible for over a thousand patents.

Question: Which statement best describes how people traveled within cities in the early 1800s?People were able to move from place to place quickly even though their transportation options were limited.People were able to move from place to place quickly because transportation was easy to access.People had to move from place to place slowly, but transportation was easy to access.People had to move from place to place slowly because their transportation options were limited.

Answer: People had to move from place to place slowly because their transportation options were limited.

Question: During the Industrial Age, what was one important way businesses told consumers about new products?through phonographsthrough telephonesthrough telegraphsthrough catalogues

Answer: through catalogues

Question: To meet the needs of commuters in the Industrial Age, city plannersimplemented the use of phonographs.provided more horses and carriages.borrowed technology from railroads.constructed new telephone lines.

Answer: borrowed technology from railroads.

Question: In the Industrial Age, who filed a patent for the incandescent light bulb?Henry FordThomas EdisonMadam C. J. WalkerAlexander Graham Bell

Answer: Thomas Edison

Question: Which invention was created to help people with hearing problems?the multiplex telegraphthe telephonethe phonographthe motion-picture machine

Answer: the telephone

Question: Elevated trains and subways improved travel byusing horses and carriages to increase speed.making the car unnecessary in urban areas.helping people travel from one city to another.moving commuters without crowding city streets.

Answer: moving commuters without crowding city streets.

Question: How was communication by telegraph an improvement over communication by mail carriage?The telegraph allowed information to be communicated instantly.The telegraph let messages be delivered in days instead of weeks.The telegraph allowed people to talk to each other directly.

Answer: The telegraph allowed information to be communicated instantly.

Question: Alexander Graham Bell originally invented the telephone toreplace the telegraph.assist the government with wartime communications.help people with hearing problems.

Answer: help people with hearing problems.

Question: Which of the following statements best explains how subways and elevated trains changed urban transportation?They allowed people to travel across the nation more quickly.They made travel more difficult and expensive.They allowed people to live in one area and work in another.

Answer: They allowed people to live in one area and work in another.

Question: What new ideas did Ford use to increase production and reduce costs of automobile production? Check all of the boxes that apply.interchangeable partsmass productionmoving assembly lines

Answer: interchangeable partsmass productionmoving assembly lines

Question: Which of the following statements best describes Edison's contributions?His most important invention was the phonograph.His most important invention was the automobile, and he revised the assembly line to improve production of it.He invented a wide variety of items and filed more than 1,000 patents.

Answer: He invented a wide variety of items and filed more than 1,000 patents.

Question: The image on the right is from a Sears Roebuck catalog from 1915. It shows different products that "every woman appreciates." Why did many retailers use catalogs in the late 1800s and early 1900s?to provide places for female inventors to sell their productsto advertise products retail stores wanted to buyto advertise and sell consumer products

Answer: to advertise and sell consumer products

Question: Which of the following was a limitation of the telegraph?The telegraph took about a week to transmit a message.The telegraph required a special code to communicate.The telegraph was not a form of wired communication.The telegraph could be used only by the military.

Answer: The telegraph required a special code to communicate.

Question: How did Henry Ford affect the automobile industry in the early 1900s?Ford made automobile production cheaper by improving the assembly line.Ford made automobile production more expensive by making luxury cars.Ford made automobile production more expensive by mass-producing cars.Ford made automobile production cheaper by using handmade parts.

Answer: Ford made automobile production cheaper by improving the assembly line.