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A Formal Agreement Between Two Or More Sovereign States

Question: What is a treaty?

Answer: - A formal agreement between two or more sovereign states.

Question: Describe the process of treaty making?


Question: Compare and contrast a treaty and an executive agreement.

Answer: Treaty

- Senate consent

- 2/3 vote of Senate

- Senate doesn’t ratify treaties

  • Congress can abrogate a treaty

  • Executive Agreement

  • - flow out of legislation already passed by Congress or out of treaties to which the senate hass agreed.

  • Question: Describe the power of recognition.

  • Answer: when the president recieve the diplomatic representatives of another sovereign state,the president exercises the power of recognition

  • Question: What are the reasons that a recognition is important?

  • Answer: - recognition is often used as as weapon in foreign relations

  • Question: Explain the presidents power as Commander in Cheif?

  • Answer: - The Constitution makes the president the commander in cheif of the nations armed forces.

  • Question: Describe the 3 provisions of the war powers resolution.

  • Answer: