A Good Financial Policy Is Clear To
Question: A good financial policy is clear to:
Answer: Both patients and practice staff
Question: Financial policies cover which of the following?
Answer: collection of copayments
past due balances do not cover collection of copayments, just surgical costs
ANSWER: all of these are covered
Question: A patient statement is ______________
Answer: a bill that is sent to a patient for medical services that have been provided
Question: The patient statement shows ______________
Answer: a balance that a patient owes the practice
Question: Which of the following shows a particular day’s transactions?
Answer: day sheet
Question: The day sheet in a medical office summarizes ______________
Answer: all the transactions that were posted to all patient ledgers on a particular business day
Question: The __________ totals the transactions that were posted to all patient ledgers on a particular business day.
Answer: day sheet
Question: When a practice accepts a credit card payment in advance for payments billed after treatment, what does the practice send the patient?
Answer: zero-balance statement
Question: Which of the following statements is true?
Answer: the guarantor and the patient may be the same person
Question: Assigning patient accounts to a specific time of month to standardize the times when patients are mailed and payments are due is known as _______________
Answer: cycle billing