All Facilities Use Electronic Encounter Forms For Their Patients
Question: Medical records were created for immigrants in Ellis Island to document communicable disease
Answer: TRUE
Question: Maintaining patient records is optional for healthcare providers
Answer: FALSE
Question: The contents of the patient health record are standardized from office to office
Answer: FALSE
Question: The medical assistant is a frequent documenter of the patient record
Answer: TRUE
Question: Information that is documented in the electronic patient chart may be handwritten
Answer: FALSE
Question: The patient is the owner of the health record in its storage media
Answer: FALSE
Question: A medical office may charge for the copying of medical records Because the information belongs to the patient, the copies may not be withheld for any reason.
Answer: FALSE
Question: Data entry into the EHR using voice recognition, electronic sentence building, and structured data entry is electronic transcription
Answer: TRUE
Question: CCHIT supports the adoption of electronic health records by physician's offices
Answer: TRUE
Question: An established patient is one who has been seen by a member of the healthcare team within the last 4 years
Answer: FALSE
Question: The implementation of an electronic health record increases patient satisfaction for the medical office
Answer: TRUE
Question: Introducing the electronic health record into the doctor's office will result in little to no employee resistance
Answer: FALSE
Question: Power outages, viruses, backup procedures, and computer freezes and crashes pose other safety and security concerns for medical offices using EHRs
Answer: TRUE
Question: Medical assistants who are comfortable with technology are in great demand, often commanding higher salaries and landing positions in the most desirable practices
Answer: TRUE
Question: You need only enter one patient account for access in all three modules, Front Office, Clinical Care, and Billing Modules
Answer: TRUE
Question: In order to submit an assignment for grading, the user must complete the Electronic Health Record case study and take the quiz
Answer: TRUE
Question: Blue "Add" buttons are used throughout the SimChart for the Medical Office system to make changes to patient accounts
Answer: FALSE
Question: Dr Smith's office, a covered entity, transmits electronic claims for reimbursement.
Answer: TRUE
Question: A lab result would be an example of IIHI
Answer: TRUE
Question: Copying the entire chart of a patient for a cardiovascular referral is in compliance with the minimum necessary standard of HIPAA
Answer: FALSE
Question: Unethical behaviors are always unlawful
Answer: FALSE
Question: Unlawful behavior is always unethical
Answer: TRUE
Question: Privacy and security are interchangeable terms
Answer: FALSE
Question: Confidential and anonymous have the same meaning
Answer: FALSE
Question: A patient having drug testing performed is given an ID number instead of using his name: This is an example of anonymity
Answer: TRUE
Question: Accessing information on the Internet has increased the need for HIPAA implementation
Answer: TRUE
Question: Patients with prior continuous health coverage cannot be denied due to preexisting conditions under HIPAA
Answer: TRUE
Question: HIPAA focuses on protecting privacy and security concerns only
Answer: FALSE
Question: Patients use their Social Security numbers as a secondary identifier under HIPAA
Answer: FALSE
Question: The privacy officer is always the office manager of the practice
Answer: FALSE
Question: A small office submitting its claims on paper to a clearinghouse that scans the claim into an electronic form is not a covered entity
Answer: FALSE
Question: Workers' compensation programs are not considered to be health plans under HIPAA
Answer: TRUE
Question: Employees are generally assigned the same privileges as the physician
Answer: FALSE
Question: Drugs that are prescribed for use other than those approved by the FDA are illegal
Answer: FALSE
Question: The receptionist usually provides the first impressions of the office
Answer: TRUE
Question: Generating patient letters from the EHR is a common task of the front office assistant
Answer: TRUE
Question: Good communication reduces the likelihood a patient will bring a lawsuit even when a medical error is made
Answer: TRUE
Question: HIPAA does not allow email communication between the doctor and patient
Answer: FALSE
Question: The electronic health record eliminates the need for the medical assistant to pull charts for appointments
Answer: TRUE
Question: SimChart for the Medical Office allows email exchange between the doctor's office and patient email accounts
Answer: TRUE
Question: The Patient Correspondence link allows the user to generate phone messages for prescription refills
Answer: TRUE
Question: The EHR message templates are more efficient than traditional paper-based messages
Answer: TRUE
Question: One disadvantage of using EHR messages is that the person creating the message is unable to sign it
Answer: FALSE
Question: Retention of records is maintained at the federal level
Answer: FALSE
Question: The SimChart for the Medical Office Appointment book may be viewed by day or week only
Answer: FALSE
Question: Documenting the patient's check-in time can reveal areas for office improvement
Answer: TRUE
Question: The Blank Letter template in Patient Correspondence will allow the user to generate letters using unstructured data entry
Answer: TRUE
Question: Once the user selects the type of correspondence, a patient search is done next to link to a patient record
Answer: TRUE
Question: Because of HIPAA storage rules, EHR cloud space is not an allowable method of storage for inactive records
Answer: FALSE
Question: SimChart for the Medical Office allows the user to view the appointment book by exam room, provider, day, week or month
Answer: TRUE
Question: The "Other" appointment type is used to schedule holidays within the appointment book
Answer: FALSE
Question: The patient states the back pain has lasted 2 weeks. This is an element of "timing" to be documented in the chief complaint record.
Answer: FALSE
Question: The average patient encounter uses about 35 lines of transcription
Answer: TRUE
Question: Dragon Naturally Speaking is a common speech recognition program used by doctor's offices
Answer: TRUE
Question: PFSH means "present family status history"
Answer: FALSE
Question: ROS means "review of symptoms"
Answer: TRUE
Question: It is common practice to mail a new patient the Health and History form prior to his/her first visit
Answer: TRUE
Question: Patients should be asked about allergy history at each encounter
Answer: TRUE
Question: When a note is signed electronically, the provider is representing that everything within the note is correct
Answer: TRUE
Question: Documentation of an active medication list is part of the core objectives under Meaningful Use programs
Answer: TRUE
Question: Medication reconciliation and medication list are the same
Answer: FALSE
Question: The Vaccine Authorization is used to document any specific contraindication to having a immunization For example: high fever.
Answer: TRUE
Question: The patient record is not a good source of patient education because the internet holds so much more information to use
Answer: FALSE
Question: The personal health record may be stored in paper or electronic form
Answer: TRUE
Question: The PHR is owned by the patient
Answer: TRUE
Question: The PHR is a covered entity under HIPAA
Answer: FALSE
Question: Patient data, such as blood sugar results from glucometers, may be downloaded into a personal health record
Answer: TRUE
Question: Doctors can not charge fees for telephone consults
Answer: FALSE
Question: Satellite technology, such as GPS can increase the interoperability of PHR systems
Answer: TRUE
Question: Physicians may send lab orders directly to lab centers via the Personal Health Record
Answer: TRUE
Question: Personal Health Records can monitor drug interactions and usages
Answer: TRUE
Question: Personal Health Records have not increased the level of patient compliance with provider instruction
Answer: FALSE
Question: The largest amount of time in maintaining the Personal health record is during the initial setup
Answer: TRUE
Question: Patient Portals are not part of Meaningful Use incentive programs until Stage 3
Answer: FALSE
Question: Mobile apps like ZocDoc and HealthTap are popular health applications designed to increase patient engagement in their health
Answer: TRUE
Question: The UHDDS is a minimum set of data collected and reported by acute care facilities and includes date of birth and principal diagnosis
Answer: TRUE
Question: Data is timely when all of the data related to the patient's visit has been recorded
Answer: FALSE
Question: Progress notes are written by physicians and nurses
Answer: TRUE
Question: The logical thought process that supports the development of a medical diagnosis through subjective and objective source data collection is called medical decision making
Answer: TRUE
Question: A discharge summary is found in both the inpatient and outpatient record
Answer: FALSE
Question: Standardized data cannot be shared across health care organizations, government agencies, and medical benefits providers
Answer: FALSE
Question: The process of gathering data and turning it into information begins when a patient makes an appointment
Answer: TRUE
Question: The health record is a paper tool for collecting and storing information about the healthcare services provided to a patient in a single healthcare facility
Answer: FALSE