All Of The Following Pertain To Neisseria Meningitidis Except
Question: Which of the following is not a protective feature in the central nervous system? A. presence of the blood-brain barrier B. presence of resident microbiota C. presence of microglial cells D. none of the above (all are protective features found in the CNS)
Answer: B. presence of resident microbiota
Question: Among the following organisms which can cause meningitis, which can be acquired through ingestion (contaminated poultry, meat, soft cheeses)? A. Steptococcus pneumoniaeB. Listeria monocytogenesC. Haemophilus influenzaD. Neisseria menigitidisE. Streptococcus agalactiae
Answer: B. Listeria monocytogenes
Question: All of the following pertain to Neisseria meningitidis except: A. Virulence factors include a capsule, pili, endotoxin and IgA protease B. Causes a serious meningitis C. Reservoir is the nasopharynx of human carriers D. More easily transmitted in daycare facilities, dorms and military barracks E. Most common cause of bacterial meningitis in adults
Answer: E. Most common cause of bacterial meningitis in adults
Question: An oxidase-positive, Gram-negative diplococcus that causes meningitis is _____. A. Escherichia coliB. Streptococcus pneumoniaeC. Haemophilus influenzaeD. Neisseria meningitidisE. Listeria monocytogenes
Answer: D. Neisseria meningitidis
Question: Reye's Syndrome is involvement of central nervous system symptoms after the interaction of a recent viral infection in a young person and ingestion of A. penicillin.B. alcohol.C. acetaminophen.D. salicylates (aspirin).
Answer: D. salicylates (aspirin).
Question: Which of the following is a fungal cause of meningitis? A. Clostridium botulinumB. Streptococcus agalactiaeC. Cryptococcus neoformansD. Listeria monocytogenesE. Haemophilus influenzae
Answer: C. Cryptococcus neoformans
Question: Indicate all the CNS infections for which vaccines exist. A. Haemophilus influenzaB. Streptococcus pneumoniaeC. Neisseria meningitidisD. Streptococcus agalactiaeE. Cryptococcus neoformans
Answer: A. Haemophilus influenzaB. Streptococcus pneumoniaeC. Neisseria meningitidis
Question: Which of the following is a sign/symptom of meningitis? A. headache B. nausea/vomiting C. stiff-neck D. fever E. all of the above are symptoms of meningitis
Answer: E. all of the above are symptoms of meningitis
Question: The presence of Gram positive diplococci and PMNs in the CSF of a suspected meningitis patient is indicative of: A. aseptic meningitisB. Cryptococcus meningitisC. Neisseria meningitisD. Streptococcal meningitisE. All of the above
Answer: D. Streptococcal meningitis
Question: Meningococcemia is: A. Best treated with Penicillin G B. Associated with vascular collapse, hemorrhage and petechiae C. Started from a nasopharyngeal infection D. Caused by a Gram negative diplococcus E. All the above are correct
Answer: E. All the above are correct
Question: Which of the following drugs could possibly be used to treat viral meningitis? A. penicillin B. erythromycin C. acyclovir D. amphotericin B E. neomycin
Answer: C. acyclovir
Question: What is a common virulence feature among several bacteria and fungi which can cause meningitis? A. presence of fimbriae B. presence of a capsule C. presence of flagella D. production of A-B toxins E. all of the above
Answer: B. presence of a capsule
Question: When traveling in the southwest U.S., what potential fungal respiratory pathogen could you be exposed to by inhaling spores present in the dust?
Answer: Coccidioides immitis
Question: The production of a neurotoxin that binds to target sites on spinal cord neurons responsible for inhibiting skeletal muscle contraction is a characteristic of: A. Clostridium botulinumB. Clostridium perfringensC. Clostridium difficileD. Clostridium tetaniE. Bacillus antracis
Answer: D. Clostridium tetani
Question: The toxins produced in tetanus and botulism are examples of which type of toxin? A. superantigens B. endotoxins C. hemolysins D. A-B toxins E. None of the above
Answer: D. A-B toxins
Question: Which of the following is incorrect/false, pertaining to Poliovirus infection? A. Summer outbreaks in the U.S. have been recently increasing B. Transmitted primarily by fecal contaminated water C. Can be asymptomatic or mild with headache, sore throat, fever and nausea D. If virus enters the central nervous system, motor neurons can be infected and destroyed.E. Caused by Poliovirus (genus Enterovirus)
Answer: A. Summer outbreaks in the U.S. have been recently increasing
Question: Choose all the true statements regarding Rabies. A. It is widespread in wildlife.B. Vaccines are available to protect humans and domestic animals.C. Hydrophobia is a characteristic symptom.D. Human disease is predominantly associated with raccoon bites.E. The incubation period from infection to neurological symptoms is 7-14 days.
Answer: A. It is widespread in wildlife.B. Vaccines are available to protect humans and domestic animals.C. Hydrophobia is a characteristic symptom.
Question: What food should you avoid feeding a child under 1 year old because of potential botulism? A. HoneyB. MilkC. Apple juiceD. Rice cerealE. Applesauce
Answer: A. Honey
Question: Polio is transmitted by _____. A. Oral ingestion (Fecal-oral transmission)B. Animal bite (Zoonotic transmission)C. Respiratory droplets (Airborne transmission)D. Insect bites (Vector transmission)
Answer: A. Oral ingestion (Fecal-oral transmission)
Question: Botulism is caused by toxin production by _____. A. A persistent virusB. A fungal infectionC. An obligate anaerobeD. A protistE. An aerobic bacterium
Answer: C. An obligate anaerobe
Question: Tetnus differs from botulism in that: A. Tetanus results in flaccid paralysis while botulism paralysis is rigid B. Tetanus results from an exotoxin, botulism from an endotoxin C. There is a vaccine for botulism but not for tetanus D. Tetanus results from exotoxin production within the body, whereas foodborn botulism results from exotoxin production outside the bodyE. All the choices are true
Answer: D. Tetanus results from exotoxin production within the body, whereas foodborn botulism results from exotoxin production outside the body
Question: Which poliovirus vaccine is currently used in the United States? A. Jenner vaccine B. Salk vaccine C. Sabin vaccine D. MMR vaccine E. None of the above
Answer: B. Salk vaccine
Question: The Sabin (attenuated) vaccine is no longer routinely used in the U.S. because: A. Polio is no longer endemic in the U.S. B. The Sabin vaccine has a risk of reversion to virulent form C. Attenuated vaccines should not be used in the immunocompromised or pregnant.D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above
Question: Which of the following pertains to both tetanus and food borne botulism? A. Occurs when spore-contaminated soil enters deep wounds B. Caused by enterotoxins of the pathogen C. Exotoxin blocks acetylcholine release D. Nausea and diarrhea are symptoms E. Treatment involves antitoxin therapy
Answer: E. Treatment involves antitoxin therapy
Question: Which of the following neurological diseases is not caused by prions? A. St. Louis encephalitisB. KuruC. Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseD. ScrapieE. Bovine Spongiform encephalitis
Answer: A. St. Louis encephalitis
Question: Meningitis and encephalitis can be caused by which types of organisms? A. viruses B. bacteria C. fungi D. protozoa E. all of the above
Answer: E. all of the above
Question: What types of infections are generally caused by insect-borne arborviruses? (answer all in lower case letters)
Answer: acute encephalitis
Question: Which of the following is not caused by an arbovirus? A. St. Louis encephalitisB. Eastern equine encephalitisC. West Nile encephalitisD. Herpes encephalitis E. La Crosse encephalitis
Answer: D. Herpes encephalitis
Question: Although they may include symptoms associated with meningitis, patients with encephalitis may exhibit: A. personality changes B. confusion C. memory loss D. seizures E. coma F. all of the above
Answer: F. all of the above
Question: Most patients infected with an arborvirus associated with encephalitis exhibit: A. prodromal illness B. headache and seizures C. no symptoms D. coma
Answer: C. no symptoms
Question: Which fungal organism is associated with bird droppings and can result in a meningitis following a respiratory infection?
Answer: cryptococcus neoformans
Question: Which of the following organisms does not cause meningitis? A. Haemophilus influenzaeB. Clostridium botulinumC. Streptococcus agalactiaeD. Streptococcus pneumoniaeE. Neisseria meningitidis
Answer: B. Clostridium botulinum
Question: The currently preferred preventative measure for polio in the United States is: A. Passive immunotherapy with Polio-reactive antibodies B. An attenuated vaccine developed by Louis Pasteur. C. Inactive vaccine developed by Jonas Salk D. A polio, anti-toxin vaccine E. Oral attenuated vaccine developed by Albert Sabin
Answer: C. Inactive vaccine developed by Jonas Salk
Question: Which of the following diseases is transmitted by an animal bite? A. ScrapieB. TetanusC. BotulismD. Cryptococcus meningitisE. Rabies
Answer: E. Rabies
Question: Infections (meningoencephalitis) with the amoebas, Naegleria fowleri and Acanthamoeba are ..... (Indicate all the correct answers) A. environmental B. fatal C. transmissible D. common
Answer: A. environmental B. fatal
Question: All of the following pertain to Neisseria meningitidis except: A. Virulence factors include a capsule, pili, endotoxin and IgA protease B. Reservoir is the nasopharynx of human carriers C. Causes a serious meningitis D. More easily transmitted in daycare facilities, dorms and military barracks E. Common cause of bacterial pneumonia
Answer: E. Common cause of bacterial pneumonia
Question: For which of the following causes of meningitis is Penicillin G beneficial? Indicate all that apply. A. Group B Streptococcus (agalactiae)B. Haemophilus influenzaC. Neisseria meningitidisD. Streptococcus pneumoniaeE. Cryptococcus neoformans
Answer: A. Group B Streptococcus (agalactiae)D. Streptococcus pneumoniae
Question: The presence of Gram negative diplococci and PMNs in the CSF of a suspected meningitis patient is indicative of: A. Streptococcal meningitisB. All of the aboveC. Neisseria meningitisD. Cryptococcus meningitisE. aseptic meningitis
Answer: C. Neisseria meningitis