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Comi/O Medical Term

Question: esthesi/o

Answer: sensationanesthesiology

Question: ger/o

Answer: old agegeriatrics

Question: gynec/o

Answer: woman, femalegynecology

Question: iatr/o

Answer: treatmentiatrogenic IATR/O means treatment by a physician or with medicines. An iatrogenic illness is produced (-GENIC) adversely and unexpectedly by a treatment.

Question: nos/o

Answer: diseasenosocomialA nosocomial infection is acquired during hospitalization (COMI/O means to care for).

Question: obstetr/o

Answer: midwife

Question: odont/o

Answer: tooth

Question: ped/o

Answer: child

Question: radi/o

Answer: x-rays

Question: rheumat/o

Answer: flow, fluidrheumatology

Question: vascul/o

Answer: blood vessels