Compared With Fraternal Twins Identical Twins Are

Question: Compared with fraternal twins, identical twins are likely to be ________ similar in intelligence and _________ similar in personality. A. no more; no moreB. no more; moreC. more; no moreD. more; more

Answer: D

Question: Adoptive parents are LEAST likely to influence the ________ of their adopted children. A. personality traitsB. religious beliefsC. political attitudesD. moral values

Answer: A

Question: Behavior geneticists are most interested in assessing the extent to which heredity and environment contribute to our A. shared human genome.B. epigenetic marks.C. reproductive capacities.D. individual differences.

Answer: D

Question: Assessing the relative effects of nature and nurture on individual differences in personality would be of most direct interest to A. evolutionary psychologists.B. molecular geneticistsC. Behavior geneticists.D. Freudian psychologists.

Answer: C

Question: A human sperm cell contains A. 23 chromosomes.B. 23 genes.C. 46 chromosomes.D. 46 genes.

Answer: A

Question: External influences on development such as social support are said to constitute our A. genome.B. epigenetic marks.C. environment.D. temperament.

Answer: C

Question: Heritability refers to the extent to which trait variations among individuals are attributable to their differing A. epigenetic marks.B. temperaments.C. prenatal environments.D. genes.

Answer: D

Question: According to evolutionary psychology, men's tendency to pair widely and women's tendency to pair wisely are best explained by the fact that these differing strategies have contributed to men's and women's A. shared human genome.B. reproductive success.C. social scripts.D. genetic mutations.

Answer: B

Question: Chromosomes are composed of A. epigenetic molecules.B. genomes.C. protein molecules.D. deoxyribonucleic acid.

Answer: D

Question: The impact of a mother's healthy food consumption on the prenatal development of her offspring best illustrates A. heritability.B. a reactive temperament.C. environmental influence.D. an epigenetic mark.

Answer: C

Question: Genes

Answer: basic units of heredity: coded instructions to carry out genetic characteristics

Question: Chromosomes

Answer: carry genes-mom and dad have 23 chromosomes each, 23 pairs in fertilized egg-23rd pair is sex chromosome-xy = boy

Question: Behavioral genetics

Answer: the study of the relative contributions of genes and environment on behavior

Question: Heritability

Answer: statistical measure of how much genes explain the observed variance in people for that specific trait

Question: Twin studies

Answer: Way to discover heritability in humans

Question: Monozygotic twins

Answer: identical twins-one egg split-share placenta, same DNA

Question: Dizygotic twins

Answer: -fraternal twins-2 separate eggs and sperm-shared environment and raised at same time even though not identical, often alike

Question: Correlation for intelligence

Answer: identical twins: 86%fraternal twins: 60%siblings: 46%unrelated: 0 correlation Shows STRONG genetic link

Question: Schizophrenia correlation rates

Answer: identical: 48%fraternal: 10%siblings: 10%adoption: 10%

Question: Homosexuality correlation rates

Answer: identical: 52%fraternal: 22%unrelated in same house: 10%

Question: Psychological disorders linked to genetics

Answer: -alcohol abuse-anxiety disorders-depression-antisoical personality disorder

Question: Meditation

Answer: -altered state of consciousness-rooted in eastern religions-state of alert relaxation -improves immune system, lowers BP and cholesterol, creates feeling of well being

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