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Connecting The Concepts Cell Division

Question: Learning through Art: Chromosome PackingCan you correctly label the structures in this diagram that summarizes chromosome packing?

Answer: a.) Histoneb.) Nucleosomec.) Supercoild.) Chromosomee.) Chromati

Question: BioFlix Activity: Mitosis -- The Cell Cycle2 of 10ReviewCan you label the phases of the cell cycle?To review a crucial phase of the cell cycle, watch this BioFlix animation: Mitosis.Part A - The cell cycleDrag the pink labels onto the pink targets to identify the two main phases of the cell cycle.Then drag the blue labels onto the blue targets to identify the key stages that occur during those phases.

Answer: a g1 phaseb. s phasec. interphased. g2 phasee. mitotic m phasef. mitosisg. cytokinesis

Question: Activity: The Cell CyclePart APart completeWhich of these phases encompasses all of the stages of mitosis?

Answer: e-This is mitosis.

Question: Part BDuring _____ both the contents of the nucleus and the cytoplasm are divided.

Answer: - The mitotic phase encompasses both mitosis and cytokinesis.

Question: Part CDuring _____ the cell grows and replicates both its organelles and its chromosomes.

Answer: -These are the events of interphase.

Question: BioFlix Quiz: MitosisPart AWhat must happen before a cell can begin mitosis?

Answer: The chromosomes must be duplicated

Question: Part BThe centrosomes move away from each other and the nuclear envelope breaks up during which phase of mitosis?

Answer: Prophase

Question: Part CThe chromosomes line up in the center of the cell during which phase of mitosis?

Answer: Metaphase

Question: Part DThe sister chromatids separate and begin moving toward opposite poles of the cell during which phase of mitosis?

Answer: Anaphase

Question: Part EThe chromosomes arrive at the poles and nuclear envelopes form during which phase of mitosis?

Answer: Telophase

Question: Part FAt the end of the mitotic (M) phase, the cytoplasm divides in a process called _________________.

Answer: cytokinesis

Question: Can you label the events and stages of mitosis?To review the process of mitosis, watch this BioFlix animation: Mitosis.Part A - Events of mitosisDrag the pink labels onto the pink targets to identify key events in mitosis.Then drag the blue labels onto the blue targets to identify the stages of mitosis.

Answer: a. mitotic spindle formingb. sister chromatids centeredc. chromosomes separationd. nuclear envelope forminge. interphasef. prophaseg. metaphaseh. anaphasei. telophase and cytokenesis

Question: MitosisPart AIn sexually reproducing multicellular organisms, the main functions of mitosis are _____.

Answer: -tissue repair/replacement of damaged cells-growth and developmen

Question: Part BWhich events occur during prophase?Check all that apply.

Answer: -Chromosomes condense and are attached to spindle fibers.-The nuclear envelope breaks down.

Question: Part CCytokinesis _____.

Answer: finishes mitosis by dividing the cytoplasm and organelles of the original parent cell into two separate daughter cells

Question: Part DDuring _____, the cell carries out its normal functions and the chromosomes are thinly spread out throughout the nucleus.

Answer: interphase

Question: Part ELooking through a light microscope at a dividing cell, you see two separate groups of chromosomes on opposite ends of the cell. New nuclear envelopes are taking shape around each group. The chromosomes then begin to disappear as they unwind. You arewitnessing _____.

Answer: telophase

Question: Part A - Stages of the cell cycleDrag the labels onto the diagram to identify the stages of the cell cycle.

Answer: 1. most of the cells life is spent in interphase2. in phosphase microtubules form the mitototic spindle3. at metaphase, the mitotic spindle is fully formed 4. in anaphase, sister chromatides separate5. in telophase chromosomes become less condenced

Question: Mitosis and Cytokinesis AnimationPart ANucleoli are present during _____.

Answer: interphase

Question: Part BCytokinesis often, but not always, accompanies _____.

Answer: telophase

Question: Part CChromosomes become visible during _____.

Answer: prophase

Question: Part DCentromeres divide and sister chromatids become full-fledged chromosomes during _____.

Answer: anaphase

Question: Part ESpindle fibers attach to kinetochores during ___

Answer: prometaphase

Question: Part FDuring prophase a homologous pair of chromosomes consists of _____.

Answer: two chromosomes and four chromatids

Question: Can you match the terms associated with cancer to their descriptions?Part ADrag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences.

Answer: 1.. A---benign tumor--is a lump of abnormal cells that, although growing out of control, remains at its original site.2. A--malignant tumor--is an abnormally growing mass of cells that is actively spreading through the body.3. --Metastasisis-- the spread of cancer cells from their site of origin to other sites in the body.4. An individual with a malignant tumor is said to have--cancer--.

Question: Everyday Biology: Are Fruit Flies the Key in the Fight Against Cancer?Part AWhen did the United States declare a "war on cancer" by passing the National Cancer Act?

Answer: 1971

Question: Part BWhich of the following is closest to the current average annual death rate from cancer in the United States?

Answer: 580 thousand

Question: Part CBased on the information in the video, which of the following correctly answers these three questions:What was the leading cause of death in the United States in the early 1970s?What is the leading cause of death in the United States today?What is predicted to be the leading cause of death in the United States 10 years from now?

Answer: cancer; cardiovascular disease; cancer

Question: Part DSince 1991, deaths from breast and colorectal cancer in the United States are down 35%. What is the main reason for this?

Answer: better screening

Question: Part EWhy is the "personalized care" plan described in the video, in which treatments are tailored for each individual, much more promising than previous treatment plans?

Answer: the genetic mutations that cause cancer vary from patient to patient

Question: Part FWhich of the following organisms would be most similar to humans in a study that involved the response of cancer cells to various medications?

Answer: primates

Question: Part GWhich of the following best describes the advantages of the personalized care technique described in the video?

Answer: Fruit flies make excellent models because we can create a strain of flies with a specific type of tumor, then raise thousands of flies in order to test the effects of medications.

Question: Chapter 8-02Connecting the Concepts: Cell Division1 of 16ReviewCan you organize these terms that describe the different kinds of cell division?

Answer: a. mitosisb. meiosisc. asexual reproductiond. somatic cellse. gametesf. sexual reproduction

Question: Learning through Art: Chromosomes2 of 16ReviewCan you correctly label these images of chromosomes?Part ADrag the labels to the correct locations on these images of human chromosomes.

Answer: a. homologousb. centromerec. sister chromatidsd. autosomese. sex chromosomesf. karyotype

Question: The Human Life Cycle3 of 16ReviewWatch this video and then answer the questions.Part AThe figure shows the human life cycle. Can you identify the structures and processes?Drag the labels to their appropriate locations on the figure. Pink labels represent structures, and blue labels represent processes.

Answer: a- haploid gametesb. egg cellc. sperm celld. fertilizatione. diploid zygotef. mitosisg. multicellular diploid adultsh. meiosis

Question: Part BWhich of the following is true about the human life cycle?

Answer: Gametes are produced by meiosis.

Question: Part CSelect all the true statements about human gametes.

Answer: Meiosis in ovaries produces haploid eggs.Meiosis in testes produces haploid sperm.Both eggs and sperm contribute 23 chromosomes to the zygote.

Question: Learning through Art: Human Life Cycle4 of 16CompleteReviewCan you correctly label this diagram of the human life cycle?Part APart completeDrag the labels onto the diagram to identify the stages of the life cycle. Not all labels will be used.

Answer: a. gametesb. haploidc. meiosisd.fertilizatione. diploidf. zygoteg. mitosis

Question: Part A - Meiosis concept mapDrag the terms to complete the concept map below.

Answer: a. diploid organismsb. haploid gametesc. meiosis 2d. maternal chromosomese. crossing over occursf. sister chromatids separate

Question: BioFlix Quiz: MeiosisPart AMeiosis starts with a single diploid cell and produces

Answer: four haploid cells.

Question: Part BA cell preparing to undergo meiosis duplicates its chromosomes during

Answer: interphase

Question: Part CDuring prophase I of meiosis,

Answer: homologous chromosomes stick together in pairs.

Question: Part DThe correct order of events during meiosis is

Answer: prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, cytokinesis, meiosis II.

Question: Part EDuring meiosis, segments of nonsister chromatids can trade places. This recombination of maternal and paternal genetic material is a key feature of meiosis. During what phase of meiosis does recombination occur?View Available Hint(s)

Answer: prophase I.

Question: BioFlix Activity: Meiosis -- Chromosome StructureReviewCan you identify the structures of a chromosome?To review chromosome structure, watch this BioFlix animation: Meiosis.Part A - Homologous chromosomesDrag the labels onto the diagram to identify the various chromosome structures.

Answer: a. pair of homologous chromosomesb. centromerec. sister chromatides

Question: Meiosis AnimationPart AMeiosis I produces _____ cells, each of which is _____.

Answer: two ... haploid

Question: Part BPart completeMeiosis II typically produces _____ cells, each of which is _____.

Answer: four ... haploid

Question: Part CDuring _____ sister chromatids separate.

Answer: anaphase II

Question: Part DAt the end of _____ and cytokinesis, haploid cells contain chromosomes that each consist of two sister chromatids.

Answer: telophase I

Question: Part ESynapsis occurs during _____.

Answer: prophase I

Question: Part FHomologous chromosomes migrate to opposite poles during _____.

Answer: anaphase I

Question: Part GDuring _____ chromosomes align single file along the equator of a haploid cell.

Answer: metaphase II

Question: Part HAt the end of _____ and cytokinesis there are four haploid cells.

Answer: telophase II

Question: Part IDuring _____ a spindle forms in a haploid cell.

Answer: prophase II

Question: Mitosis occurs in _____; meiosis occurs in _____.

Answer: somatic or body cells ... germ cells in the testes or ovaries

Question: Part BLooking through a light microscope at a cell undergoing division, you see that the condensed chromosomes have lined up along the midline of the cell. The homologous pairs are NOT joined in tetrads. Each chromosome takes its own place in line, independentof its homolog. You are witnessing _____.

Answer: metaphase of mitosis

Question: Part CFertilization joins _____ to produce a _____.

Answer: haploid gametes ... diploid zygote

Question: Part DDuplication of the chromosomes to produce sister chromatids _____.

Answer: occurs in both mitosis and meiosis

Question: Part EIf it weren't for _____, chromosome number would double with every generation of sexual reproduction.

Answer: meiosis

Question: Video Tutor Session Quiz: Mitosis vs. MeiosisOf the two processes we learned about which is going on in my hand right now?

Answer: mitosis

Question: If you look through a microscope and see a cell with chromosomes lined up two by two, what stage of cellular reproduction must you be looking at?

Answer: meiosis I only

Question: Here i am representing a duplicated chromosome. What structure is represented by my waist where I am joined to my twin?

Answer: centromere

Question: Imagine you found a hypothetical organism. You examine one of its gametes and you see that it contains 5 chromosomes. How many chromosomes will one of its body cells contain just before mitosis begins?

Answer: 10

Question: Imagine I've taken a snapshot of the chromosomes in a hypothetical cell. Two chromosomes lined up. You and your twin and your friends and her twin. Part of that snapshot looks like this. What stage of the lifecycle must that cell be in?

Answer: the start of meiosis I

Question: BioFlix Activity: Meiosis -- Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis

Answer: a. mitosisb. prophasec. metaphased. anaphase. telophase, & cytokinesise. meiosisf. prophase 1g. metaphase 1h anaphase1, telophase 1 & cytokinesisi. meiosis 2

Question: Interpreting Data: Down SyndromePart A - Interpreting the graphOn average, what percentage of infants born to 45-year-old mothers have Down syndrome?

Answer: 0.03

Question: Part B - Thinking criticallyUse the graph and your knowledge of Down syndrome to select the three true statements.

Answer: -The incidence of Down syndrome in infants born to mothers under the age of 35 is less than 0.5%-Down syndrome is caused by a trisomy of chromosome 21.-The risk of having a baby with Down syndrome more than doubles for 45-year old mothers compared to 40-year old mothers.

Question: Origins of Genetic Variation

Answer: independent assortment of chromosomes, crossing over, random fertilization

Question: Part BWhich of these gametes contains one or more recombinant chromosomes?

Answer: B an C contain two or more recombinant chromosomes. Each are composed of material derived from both parents

Question: Part ACan you identify the major theme illustrated by each of the following examples? If necessary, you may review the themes in Chapter 1 of your book.Match the themes on the left with the examples on the right. Not all themes will be used.

Answer: *During cell division, each daughter cell receives one identical set of chromosomes from the original parent cell. --Information flow--*Cancer cells do not respond normally to the specialized proteins that control the cell cycle; they divide excessively and may invade other tissues of the body. --Interactions within biological systems--*Sexual reproduction may enhance fitness by producing offspring of varied genetic makeup, speeding adaptation to a changing environment. ----Evolution--*Long molecules of DNA can fit into the tiny nucleus because within each chromosome the DNA is packed into an elaborate, multilevel system of coiling and folding.--Relationship of structure to function--