During Iep The Effective Date Is Either
Question: Once submitted, who can cancel an enrollment application before the effective date?
Answer: The client
Question: An Electronic Scope of Appointment (eSOA) valid for ___________.
Answer: 14 days
Question: If you receive an Enrollment Process Exception Notice, your immediate action will be required in order to avoid any disciplinary actions, which may include___________________.
Answer: All of the above
Question: The cost estimates displayed on most pricing tools, such as Medicare.com, SilverScript.com, AetnaMedicare.com and most third-party websites, will typically reflect __________________ pricing.
Answer: Both A and C
Question: Agents must submit the original documentation for enrollment within 24 hours after the application data has been entered into the agent portal.
Answer: TRUE
Question: If a member is assessed a Part D Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (Part D-IRMAA), the member will be notified by the Social Security Administration. Part DâIRMAA is paid directly to Medicare.
Answer: TRUE
Question: The Application Date is the date you received the completed enrollment form from the beneficiary
Answer: TRUE
Question: If your client receives a letter from SilverScript requesting proof of Creditable Coverage, and the client has already submitted proof of creditable coverage with the enrollment application, they can ignore the letter.
Answer: FALSE
Question: If a beneficiary had a break in Medicare prescription drug coverage or other creditable coverage of 63 days in a row, they may be subject to a late enrollment penalty.
Answer: TRUE
Question: During IEP, the effective date is either the first of the month the member becomes eligible OR the first of the month following the month the enrollment form is submitted, whichever is later.
Answer: TRUE
Question: Members can pay their monthly premium at the register of CVS retail locations.
Answer: TRUE
Question: SilverScript stand-alone prescription drug plans are sponsored by Aetna Medicare Solutions, a CVS Health company.
Answer: TRUE
Question: Mail order prescription drug services are not available for SilverScript PDP plans.
Answer: FALSE