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Identify The True And False Statements About Beanpole Family Structures.

Question: traditional family

Answer: -the idealized model of a male breadwinner, a female homemaker, and their dependent children-self-contained, economically independent-typically a patriarchal family governed by a male with a dependent wife and children

Question: endogamy

Answer: marriage to someone within one's social group

Question: exogamy

Answer: marriage to someone outside one's social group

Question: monogamy

Answer: the practice of having only one sexual partner or spouse at a time

Question: polygamy

Answer: the practice of having more than one sexual partner or spouse at a time

Question: polyandry

Answer: the practice of having multiple husbands simultaneously

Question: polygyny

Answer: the practice of having multiple wives simultaneously

Question: Malinowski

Answer: -family is a universal phenomenon-hearth and home-argued that family is a necessary institution for fulfilling the task of child rearing in society

Question: nuclear family

Answer: familial form consisting of a father, a mother, and their children

Question: extended family

Answer: kin networks that extend outside or beyond the nuclear family

Question: divorce rate

Answer: the divorce rate has been steadily rising since the nineteenth century, as divorce became less and less of a social and religious taboo; the divorce rates have stabilized over the past decade or so

Question: cohabitation

Answer: living together in an intimate relationship without former legal or religious sanctioning

Question: cohabitation rates

Answer: -7% of heterosexual American couples live together as opposed to legally tying the knot, a 13% increase from 2009-2/3 break up or get married within 3 years

Question: kinship networks

Answer: strings of relationships between people related by blood and co-residence (that is, marriage)

Question: grapevine family structure

Answer: more lateral kinship ties than vertical ones

Question: beanpole family structure

Answer: kinship ties are vertical, can only depend on children and parents who live with you

Question: cult of domesticity

Answer: the notion that true womanhood centers on domestic responsibility and child rearing

Question: Mandurucu

Answer: villagers of South America whos men and women live in separate houses at different ends of their village; they eat separate meals; they sleep apart

Question: Na

Answer: do not practice fatherhood

Question: second shift

Answer: women's responsibility for housework and child care- everything from cooking dinner to doing laundry, bathing children, reading bedtime stories, and sewing Halloween costumes

Question: African American families

Answer: -if the average American woman has 2 shifts, then the typical black American mother has 3 because she is more often the primary breadwinner-25% of black wives out-earn their husbands-follow a matriarchy (a stereotypical bad black mother- she's domineering, unfeminine, wearing the pants in the family, hefty, gruff, can't supervise her own kids, bossy, emasculates her man and drives him away)-neighborhood decay, stagnating wages, single motherhood, higher divorce rates, lower school achievement-expanded notion of kinship: brother and sister-72% of babies born out of wedlock

Question: typical American family (white)

Answer: -the average mom has 2 shifts-18% out-earn their husbands-29% of babies born out of wedlock

Question: Latino families

Answer: -family ties are strong and a top priority-families are their safety nets-strong sense of community and allegiance to it-women listen to their men, children to their elders-most are shaped by devout Catholicism-high religiosity and importance of family: high rates of marriage with low rates of divorce, high rates of marriage at a young age, a lot of babies born out of wedlock-53% of Latinos are born to unwed mothers

Question: single mothers

Answer: -often prefer self-reliance to welfare-more often they are of minority race