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In A Dc Circuit What Limits Current Flow

Question: In a DC circuit, what limits current flow?

Answer: C

Question: What is the opposition to current flow in an AC circuit caused by an inductor called?

Answer: B

Question: Complete the following statements by dragging the appropriate term at the bottom to the space next to it.


Question: Give the formula used to calculate inductive reactance

Answer: C

Question: The reactance of an inductive circuit depends upon the resistance of the coil and the frequency of the circuit.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Inductive reactance causes current to lag the voltage by ? .

Answer: B

Question: Complete the following statements.If the frequency increases, the inductive reactance ? .Answer 1Choose...has no changeincreasesdecreasesIf the inductance is increased, the inductive reactance ? .

Answer: IncreasesDecreases

Question: A manufacturer could produce a coil (inductive reactor) and put XL = 8 ohms on the nameplate only if the coil is labeled with the proper operating ? .

Answer: B

Question: Knowing the voltage and the inductive reactance of a purely reactive circuit, drag the variables to the correct locations to create the formula used to solve for the current.

Answer: I=E/XL

Question: A circuit has a voltage of 240 volts and an inductive reactance of 30 ohms. What is the current flow?

Answer: 8A

Question: Given a 2-henry inductor connected to a 500-volt, 60-hertz source, solve for the following: (Round the FINAL answers to at least two decimal places in the specified unit.)

Answer: 753.98663mA

Question: A coil is connected to a 300-volt, 60-hertz circuit and draws a certain current. If the voltage remains 300 volts, and the frequency is increased to 400 hertz, the current would ? .

Answer: B

Question: A purely inductive 120-volt, 60-hertz circuit draws 2.7 amperes. What is the reactance of the circuit? (Round the FINAL answer to one decimal place.)

Answer: 44.4 Ohms

Question: A coil has an inductance of 250 millihenries. Find its inductive reactance at 60 hertz.

Answer: 94.2 Ohms

Question: A 50-millihenry coil is connected to a 60-hertz, 240-volt source. How much current flows? (Round the FINAL answer to one decimal place.)

Answer: 12.7 Amps

Question: An inductor in a 60 hertz circuit has 80 volts AC across it with four amperes flowing through it. What is the inductance of the inductor? (Round the FINAL answer to three decimal places.)

Answer: 0.0531

Question: A 750-millihenry inductor has 20 volts dropped across it when five milliamperes flow in the circuit. What is the frequency? (Round the FINAL answer to two decimal places.)

Answer: 849.26

Question: Find the current through a 107-millihenry inductor if it is connected to a 6-volt, 400-hertz source. (Round the FINAL answer to three decimal places.)

Answer: 0.022A