In Open Organizations The Informal Organization Can Be
Question: The key to success is...
Answer: Remaining flexible enough to adapt to the changing times
Question: Organizing
Answer: Determining what work needs to be done
Question: Division of Labor
Answer: Dividing task among members
Question: Job Specialization
Answer: Dividing tasks into smaller jobs
Question: Departmentalization
Answer: Setting up individual departments to do specific task
Question: Economies of Scale
Answer: Companies can reduce their production cost if they purchase raw materials in bulk
Question: Fayol's Principles of Organization
Answer: 1. Unity of Command - each worker report to one boss2. Hierarchy of Authority - all workers should know whom they report to and managers have rights to give commands3. Division of Labor - functions divided into areas of specialization4. Subordination of Individual Interest to the General Interest - workers to think of themselves as teams5. Authority - managers have rights to give orders and power to enforce obedience6. Degree of Centralization - amount of decision making power vested in top management should vary by circumstances7. Clear Communication Channels - reach others quick and easy8. Order - people and material in proper places9. Equity - managers treat employees with respect10. Esprit de Corps - spirit of pride and loyalty
Question: Max Weber Organizational Theory
Answer: 1. Job descriptions2. Written rules, decision guidelines + detailed records3. Consistent procedures, regulations + policies4. Staffing & promotion based on qualifications
Question: Hierarchy
Answer: System in which 1 person is at top of org and there is sequential ordering from the top down of managers who are responsible to that person
Question: Chain of Command
Answer: Line of authority moving from top level of hierarchy to bottom
Question: Organization Charts
Answer: Visual device that shows relationships among people and divides organizations work; shows who reports to whom
Question: Bureaucracy
Answer: Organization with many layers of managers
Question: Centralized Authority
Answer: Organization structure in which decision making authority is maintained at top levels of mgmt
Question: Decentralized Authority
Answer: Decision making authority is delegated to lower level managers more familiar with local conditions than headquarters mgmt could be
Question: Span of Control
Answer: Optimal # of subordinates a manager supervises or should supervise
Question: Tall organizational structure
Answer: Adding layers of mgmt
Question: Flat organizational structure
Answer: Few layers of mgmt and broad span of control
Question: Departmentalization
Answer: The dividing of organizational functions into separate units
Question: Hybrid Forms
Answer: Combination of departmentalization techniques
Question: Line organization
Answer: Direct 2 way lines of responsibility, authority, and communication running from the top to the bottom of the organizarion, with all people reporting to only 1 supervisor
Question: Line personnel
Answer: Employees who are part of the chain of command thats responsible for achieving organizational goals
Question: Staff personnel
Answer: Employees who advise and assist line personnel in meeting their goals
Question: Matrix organization
Answer: Organization in which specialist form different parts of the org are brought together to work on specific projects but still remain part of line and structure
Question: Cross Functional Self Managed Team
Answer: Groups of employees from different departments who work together on long term basis
Question: Networking
Answer: Uses communications technology and other means to link organizations and allow them to work together on common objectives
Question: Real Time
Answer: The present moment or the actual time in which something takes place
Question: Virtual Corporation
Answer: Temporary networked org made up of replaceabke firms that join and leave as needed
Question: Benchmarking
Answer: Comparing an orgs practices, processes, and products against worlds best
Question: Core Competencies
Answer: Functions the org can do as well as or better than any org in the world
Question: Digital Natives
Answer: Young people who have grown up using the internet and social networkinf
Question: Restructuring
Answer: Redesigning an org so that it can more effectively ans efficiently serve its customer
Question: Inverted Organization
Answer: Has contact people at the top & Chief Executive Officer at the bottom
Question: Organizational Culture
Answer: Widely shared values within an organizarion that provide unity and cooperation to achieve common goals
Question: Formal organizations
Answer: Structure that detaila lines of responsibility, authority, and position-structure on organizarional charts
Question: Informal Organization
Answer: System that develops spontaneously as employees meet and form cliques, lines of authority & relationships outside the formal org
Question: Organizations that require consistent production standards to help create a high-quality public image would tend to favor...
Answer: Centralized authority
Question: In open organizations the informal org can be...
Answer: An asset that promotes harmony among workers
Question: Organizing a business begins with...
Answer: Determining the work to be done
Question: In an inverted organization, the job of management is to...
Answer: Assist and support front-line people
Question: ________ organizations are characterized of many layers of mgmt and function with well defined rules and procedures
Answer: Bureaucratic
Question: Which of the following determines the degree of decentralization of a firm
Answer: The degree to which lower-level mgmt is empowered to make decisions
Question: Which of the following is an advantage of line organization in a large business
Answer: Responsibility and authority are clearly defined
Question: Which of the following is an advantage of matrix organization structure?
Answer: It provides for efficient use of organizational resources
Question: The informal organization of a business is probably best suited to..
Answer: Create a feeling of camaraderie among employees and encourage teamwork
Question: The process of rating an organization's practices, processes, and products against the best of the world is known as...
Answer: Benchmarking
Question: Cross functional self managed teams work best when _______
Answer: Leadership is shared
Question: Which of following describes a group of employees from different departments working together on a long term basis?
Answer: Cross functional self managed teams