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Mydr O Medical Term

Question: A red, painful swelling or pimple containing pus located near the edge of the eyelid and also known as a stye is called a hordeolum.

Answer: TRUE

Question: The combining forms, phac/o- and lenticul/o- both refer to the lens of the eye.

Answer: TRUE

Question: The combining form aque/o- means:

Answer: watery substance.

Question: To seal leaking blood vessels in the retina, which procedure using a laser would be performed?

Answer: photocoagulation

Question: In which of the following is the surface of the cornea curved more steeply on one side of the eye than on the other, so there is no single point of focus?

Answer: astigmatism

Question: An eye doctor who has an M.D. is known as a/an:

Answer: ophthalmologist

Question: The combining form "papill/o-" means:

Answer: elevated structure.

Question: The combining form orbit/o- means:

Answer: eye socket.

Question: When the surface of the ____________ is irregularly curved, it is known as astigmatism.

Answer: cornea

Question: Inflammation or infection of the eyelid with redness, crusts, and scales at the bases of the eyelashes is called:

Answer: blepharitis

Question: The combining form blephar/o- means eyelash.

Answer: FALSE

Question: If the lacrimal ducts are obstructed, the patient will have difficulty with the flow of tears.

Answer: TRUE

Question: The combining form "lacrim/o-" means:

Answer: tears

Question: A slit lamp examination includes viewing the:

Answer: lens and anterior chamber.

Question: What is xerophthalmia?

Answer: insufficient production of tears

Question: Deviation of one or both eyes, medially or laterally, is known as ____________.

Answer: strabismus

Question: To look for bleeding from the blood vessels in the retina, the physician would order:

Answer: fluorescein angiography.

Question: Which is a specific medical word for lateral deviation of the eye or "wall eye"?

Answer: exotropia

Question: The combining form "vis/o-" means:

Answer: sight; vision.

Question: Hyphema is an abnormal sensitivity to bright light.

Answer: FALSE

Question: The lower eyelid turns outward with ectropion.

Answer: TRUE

Question: The combining form "mydr/o-" means:

Answer: widening

Question: Hyperthyroidism is known to cause the eyes to bulge out resulting in:

Answer: exophthalmos

Question: Which is a surgery done to correct myopia?

Answer: photorefractive keratectomy

Question: Which abbreviation would be found in a physical assessment relating to an examination of the eyes?

Answer: all of these

Question: Which of the following is used to measure distance vision?

Answer: Snellen chart

Question: Which test is used to diagnose glaucoma?

Answer: tonometry or air puff test

Question: The medical word for a visual condition of strabismus that causes medial or inward deviation or turning of the eye (or cross-eyed) is ___?___

Answer: esotropia

Question: bacterial infection of the lacrimal sac ___?___

Answer: dacryocystitis

Question: A condition of vision that presents with a loss of flexibility of the lens caused by old age and resulting in blurry near vision. ___?___

Answer: presbyopia

Question: a medical doctor (M.D.) who specializes in the study and treatment of the diseases and disorders of the eye ___?___

Answer: ophthalmologist

Question: condition of vision that results in near-sightedness or a refractive error in which the lens of the eye cannot focus an image accurately, resulting in impaired distance vision ___?___

Answer: myopia

Question: Condition of inequality in the diameter of the pupils of the eyes ___?___

Answer: anisocoria

Question: inflammation or infection of the colored part of the eye ___?___

Answer: iritis

Question: a condition where there is drooping of the upper eyelid due to age or muscle or nerve disease ___?___

Answer: blepharoptosis

Question: A condition of insufficient production of tears resulting in dry eyes ___?___

Answer: xerophthalmia

Question: A condition of abnormal sensitivity (fear or avoidance) to bright light _____?_____

Answer: photophobia

Question: O.D.

Answer: Doctor of Optometry

Question: O.S.

Answer: Left eye (Oculus sinister)

Question: O.U.

Answer: Both eyes (Oculus uterque)

Question: IOL

Answer: Intraocular lens

Question: IOP

Answer: Intraocular pressure

Question: Involuntary beats of the eye when looking to the side are called __DiplopiaNystagmusStrabismus

Answer: Nystagmus

Question: A patient with exophthalmos often has __BlindnessGlaucomaHyperthyroidism

Answer: Hyperthyroidism

Question: Increased intraocular pressure is caused by __ConjunctivitisGlaucomaPresbyopia

Answer: Glaucoma

Question: Clumps of vitreous humor cause __Color blindnessFloatersStrabismus

Answer: Floaters

Question: Farsightedness is __Astigmatism HyperopiaMyopia

Answer: Hyperopia

Question: Gonioscopy is used to visualize the trabecular meshwork

Answer: T

Question: The blepharoplasty removes fat and sagging skin from the eyelid

Answer: T

Question: Lasik and PRK are used to surgically correct nearsightedness

Answer: T

Question: Corticosteroid drugs are used to dilate the pupil before an eye exam

Answer: F