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October Sky Worksheet Answers

Question: Dwight Eisenhower

Answer: Who was the president of the United States during the time period of the movie?

Question: Coalwood, West Virginia

Answer: Where does this movie take place?

Question: Coal Mining

Answer: What is major industry of this place?

Question: Launching of Sputnik 1

Answer: What event prompts the main character to build rockets?

Question: 21097

Answer: What date does the event take place?

Question: 18,000 mph

Answer: What is the speed of this man-made satellite?

Question: 96 minutes

Answer: How long did it take the man-made satellite to orbit the Earth?

Question: 559 miles

Answer: How far up was this artificial satellite?

Question: The Space Race

Answer: What "race" does the event prompt?

Question: The Cold War

Answer: What "war" occurs during this time period?

Question: US and The Soviet Union

Answer: This "war" involved which two superpowers?

Question: Miss Riley

Answer: What is the name of the influential teacher in the film?

Question: Wernher von Braun

Answer: With what scientist and/or rocket engineer does the main character correspond?

Question: Vanguard

Answer: What is the name of the rocket that failed to launch on TV?

Question: AUK 1

Answer: What is the first named rocket launched by this group of students?

Question: Rocket Boys

Answer: The group of the students that collectively pursue rocketry is called what?

Question: Homer, Quentin, Roy Lee, Sherman

Answer: Name all the members in the group.

Question: Mr. Bykovsky and Mr. Bolden

Answer: What two company shop workers assist the main character in building rockets?

Question: Potassium Chlorate, Sulfur, Ethyl Alcohol

Answer: List the three chemicals used as propellant.

Question: Indianapolis, Indiana

Answer: Where does the national science fair take place?

Question: de Laval nozzle and autographed picture of Wernher von Braun

Answer: What two items are stolen from the national science fair?