The Articles Of Confederation Implemented The Principle Of
Question: E
Answer: The Articles of Confederation implemented the principle of: A a strong national governmentB a unified system of taxesC universal suffrageD an independent judiciaryE state sovereignty
Question: C
Answer: Which of the following is a way Congress can influence the federal judiciary?A it can prohibit judicial activismB it can filibuster decisions made by courtsC it can change appellate jurisdiction of federal courtsD it can review federal judges for reappointment every 10 yearsE it can exercise oversight authority over rulings of individual justices
Question: A
Answer: The framers of the Constitution intended to establish:A a representative republicB a direct democracyC an authoritarian stateD a socialist democracyE a parliamentary republic
Question: B
Answer: Which of the following powers is shared by the House of Representatives and the Senate? A holding trials of impeachmentB establishing federal courtsC approving treatiesD holding confirmation hearingsE approving presidential appointments
Question: B
Answer: Which of the following best describes a purpose of the Establishment Clause?A it gives Congress the power to protect civil rights and civil libertiesB it prohibits Congress from establishing a state religionC it empowers Congress to create a national bankD it prevents Congress from prohibiting the possession of guns on school groundsE it grants Congress the power to establish post roads and post offices
Question: B
Answer: Which of the following committees plays a major role in the House in shaping tax policy?A FinanceB Ways and MeansC CommerceD AppropriationsE Government Affairs
Question: A
Answer: Which of the following is most frequently reported in the media during a presidential election?A results from public opinion polls that indicate which candidates are most likely to winB the official platforms of each of the major political partiesC financial strategies and management of the campaignsD comparisons of candidates' positions on foreign and domestic policy issuesE information about the candidates' experience in government and record in office
Question: D
Answer: The passing of the Voting Rights Act of l965 is a significant political event because itA scaled back the provisions of the Fifteenth AmendmentB was used to emancipate southern African AmericansC was declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in Shaw v. RenoD was instrumental in increasing the number of African American and other minority votersE required that minority officeholders be elected
Question: D
Answer: Many scholars argue that categorical grants-in-aid do which of the following?A give states far too much power over national moniesB broaden state power beyond that outlined in the ConstitutionC strengthen the impact of the 10th AmendmentD give new life to the idea of dual federalismE weaken the power of state governors and legislators
Question: E
Answer: Party identification in the United States is most successfully transmitted by which of the following?A workplaceB churchC educational systemD the mediaE family
Question: C
Answer: Advocates of shifting the task of drawing United States House districts from state legislatures to independent commissions are likely to claim which of the following as an advantage of independent commissions?A House districts drawn by independent commissions are immune from challenges by the U.S. Department of JusticeB Independent commissions are more likely to create majority-minority districts where they are appropriateC independent commissions significantly reduce the influence of partisan gerrymandering in the redistricting processD independent commissions are more likely to create districts where minor parties can be victoriousE independent commissions are more able to draw legislative districts that comply with the one person, one vote standard
Question: C
Answer: Which of the following is NOT an explanation for low voter turnout?A registration requirementsB low political efficacy among many votersC laws protecting minority voting rightsD frequent elections at the state and local levelE weekday elections
Question: E
Answer: Which of the following individuals would be most likely to vote in a Republican primary?A A 25-year-old white male with some high school education who is employed as a laborer in FloridaB A 55-year-old African American saleswoman from Georgia who has a master's degreeC A 65-year-old Hispanic male from California who is retired and lives on social securityD A 35-year-old female secretary from New York with an associate's degree who is a devout CatholicE A 45-year-old white businessman from South Carolina who attends church weekly
Question: C
Answer: In the United States political system, the term Federalism refers toA limits on the powers of the state governmentsB limits on the powers of the national governmentC the division of powers between the levels of governmentD the fundamental basis of lawE legal authority of the courts to hear cases
Question: E
Answer: Rules and regulations created by an agency such as the Federal Communications Commission are calledA constitutional lawB statutory lawC common lawD equity lawE administrative law
Question: E
Answer: The agenda-setting function of the media refers to the power toA endorse specific candidates for political officeB favor the position of one interest group over anotherC counter the censorship activities of media watch groupsD mobilize economic interests in favor of a particular candidateE decide which issues are important enough to bring to public attention
Question: A
Answer: Which of the following is true of policital action committees (PACs)?A They make campaign contributions in hopes of gaining access to legislators.B They are part of political party organizations.C They are allowed to contribute to only one candidate in any election.D They nominate candidates for president at national party conventions.E They operate at the state level but not at the national level.
Question: E
Answer: Which of the following is a correct statement about the federal government's role in interstate commerce?A The federal government has no role in regulating interstate commerce.B The federal government has no role in regulating activities that may lead to federal crimes.C The federal government's role is limited to regulating commerce transported on interstate waterways such as the Mississippi River.D The federal government's role is limited to regulating the transport of agricultural goods.E The federal government's role has been greatly expanded through the interpretation of the interstate commerce clause.
Question: B
Answer: Even with the large majorities of their own party in Congress, presidents experience difficulty in exercising legislative leadership because A the president must compete against state governors for influenceB the weak nature of political parties hampers the president's ability to control CongressC the president's use of the veto is ineffective with CongressD individual members of Congress attract greater publicity when challenging the presidentE the president seldom addresses the same issues as members of Congress
Question: A
Answer: Which of the following constitutional provisions broadened the power of Congress?A The necessary and proper clauseB The equal protection clauseC The Tenth AmendmentD The Ninth AmendmentE The eminent domain provision in the Fifth Amendment
Question: C
Answer: The most widely performed act of political participation in the United States isA writing letters to public officialsB voting in local electionsC voting in presidential electionsD contributing money to political candidatesE attending local party meetings
Question: C
Answer: According to James Madison, which of the following best controls the effects of faction?A Direct democracyB The popular election of state judgesC A large republicD Property requirements for eligibility to workE The creation of a merit-based civil service
Question: E
Answer: Generally, when is a president more likely to get congressional approval of proposed policies?A After midterm congressional electionsB In the second term rather than in the firstC When public opinion is sharply divided over policiesD In social policy areas rather than in economic policy areasE In foreign affairs rather than in domestic affairs
Question: C
Answer: Legislation forbidding flag burning was deemed unconstitutional because it violated theA First Amendment's free exercise clauseB necessary and proper clauseC First Amendment's protection of expressionD Fourteenth Amendment's definition of citizenshipE First Amendment's establishment clause
Question: A
Answer: Voter turnout tends to be highest amongA college-educated votersB working-class votersC African American votersD young votersE low-income voters
Question: B
Answer: Which of the following actions by a congressional representative is an example of "pork barreling"?A Misusing campaign contributionsB Directing federal funds into the representative's district through legislationC Accepting money from a political action committee (PAC)D Attempting to kill a bill with unacceptable amendmentsE Voting for a salary increase
Question: B
Answer: In response to the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold Act), the United States Supreme Court, in Citizen's United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), ruled thatA limits cannot be placed upon candidates' contributions to their own campaignsB independent campaign expenditures by corporations and unions are protected by the First AmendmentC limits on issue advertisements 90 days before an election are unconstitutionalD limits on campaign contributions by minors are constitutional under the First AmendmentE requiring endorsement statements in campaign advertisements is unconstitutional
Question: C
Answer: The primary responsibility for determining monetary policy in the United States rests with the A International Monetary FundB World BankC Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve SystemD Treasury DepartmentE Comptroller of the Currency
Question: E
Answer: All of the following make it difficult for presidents to control the actions of federal agencies EXCEPTA the civil service systemB issue networks (iron triangles)C bureaucratic inertiaD bureaucratic noncomplianceE the appointment of cabinet heads
Question: C
Answer: Which of the following is an example of checks and balances in action in the United States government?A The House and Senate cannot agree on the same version of a bill to send to the president.B The president issues an executive order that freezes federal government hiring.C The president vetoes a bill passed by Congress.D The voters reject the status quo and elect all new members of Congress.E The voters at the state level elect a governor from a party other than the president's.
Question: D
Answer: In Roe v. Wade, the majority of Supreme Court justices determined thatA a constitutional right to privacy necessitated making contraceptives legalB abortions could be performed only during the first twelve weeks of a pregnancyC homosexuality is unconstitutionalD the United States Constitution implies a right to privacy and thus made abortions legalE a husband is allowed to veto his wife's decision to have an abortion
Question: C
Answer: Congressional oversight refers to the power of Congress toA override presidential vetoesB hold public hearings before confirming judicial appointeesC exercise some control over executives agenciesD allow nongovernmental agencies to defend or refute pending legislation publiclyE seek judicial opinion on the constitutionality of pending legislation
Question: A
Answer: With respect to prayer in public schools, the United States Supreme Court has ruled thatA state-sponsored prayer violates the establishment clause of the First AmendmentB state-sponsored prayer is permitted by the free exercise clause of the First AmendmentC since educational policy is controlled largely by state governments, the First Amendment does not affect school policy on prayerD the free exercise clause permits teachers to mandate silent prayerE in school districts in which local authorities can demonstrate that all students belong to a single religion, mandated prayer is permissible
Question: A
Answer: Executive agreements have been cited as evidence thatA modern presidents often try to avoid legislative checks and balances on their authorityB the executive branch has become too large and bureaucraticC presidents have less power in handling foreign policy than in handling domestic policyD interest groups have too much power in the contemporary governmental systemE the courts have few means of limiting presidential power
Question: C
Answer: The grandfather clause is significant in United States political history for which of the following reasons?A It was a means whereby elderly voters were excluded from the electorate.B It was declared unconstitutional by the Fifteenth Amendment.C It was a means whereby Black citizens in southern states were disenfranchised.D It was created by the Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson.E It was struck down by the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.
Question: E
Answer: Most of the work of legislating in Congress takes place inA joint committeesB ad hoc committeesC select committeesD conference committeesE standing committees
Question: C
Answer: Which of the following is a primary function of the Senate Judiciary Committee?A Conducting oversight hearings on the Supreme Court budgetB Conducting investigations into allegedly subversive activitiesC Conducting hearings on judicial appointments made by the presidentD Conducting investigations into wrongdoing by the executive branchE Initiating appointments to the Supreme Court
Question: C
Answer: Which of the following describes the social contract theory as advanced by John Locke? A It is an agreement between political actors to maintain their grip on power.B It is an agreement in which the government promises to provide a minimum standard of living to citizens.C It is an agreement in which the government promises to protect the natural rights of people.D It is an agreement between economic elites to maintain a stable economy.E It is an agreement in which the government outlines socially acceptable norms of political behavior.
Question: B
Answer: In the United States judicial system, when a judge decides a case based on decisions rendered in similar cases in the past, the judge is following the principle ofA amicus curiaeB stare desisisC justiciabilityD diversityE certiorari
Question: D
Answer: After a constitutional amendment has been proposed by both houses of Congress, its adoption requiresA official filing with the secretary of stateB support by a majority vote of the peopleC signature by the presidentD ratification by three-fourths of the statesE publication in the Federal Register
Question: B
Answer: One of the best strategies that interest groups can use to achieve their goals isA pressing for changes in high-profile public policiesB lobbying members of Congress to make small changes in existing policyC using the judiciary to invalidate federal legislationD encouraging states to use their Tenth Amendment rights and ignore federal lawE running candidates for office
Question: B
Answer: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are examples ofA cabinet departmentsB independent agenciesC Executive Office bureausD congressional committeesE White House staff agencies
Question: D
Answer: In which of the following circumstances would the rule of four be applied? A Four senators agree to a cloture motion.B Congress adjourns its session within four days of submitting a bill to the president, and the president does not act.C Four states request a writ of certiorari.D At least four justices on the Supreme Court agree that a case should be put on the Court's docket.E The House Rules Committee limits floor debate to four minutes maximum for each member.
Question: A
Answer: Why is federal case law more frequently established by the United States courts of appeal than by the United States Supreme Court?A Courts of appeal must decide cases appealed to it from the lower courts, while the Supreme Court can choose its cases and hears relatively few each year.B Courts of appeal usually have jurisdiction over cases appealed from state supreme courts.C There are more judges on the courts of appeal than on the Supreme Court, so they can overrule the Supreme Court's decisions.D According to the Constitution, rulings by the courts of appeal have more significance than Supreme Court rulings.E Federalism stresses the court decision closest to the people should stand.
Question: A
Answer: All of the following are examples of a linkage institution influencing the policy process EXCEPTA the president delivering the State of the Union speechB the Sierra Club lobbying the Environmental Protection AgencyC the outcome of a congressional electionD an exposé by the national media on the housing crisisE the Republican Party pursuing a balanced budget amendment
Question: D
Answer: A discharge petition is rarely used in the House of Representatives becauseA it is unconstitutional to use a discharge petition in the House of RepresentativesB the House is too large for a discharge petition to be effectiveC a two-thirds majority is required to issue a discharge petitionD it is a challenge to majority leadership and informal rules of behaviorE the unscheduled use of a discharge petition could offend members of the Senate
Question: B
Answer: Which of the following is a principle underlying the Bill of Rights?A The people should control all aspects of governance.B Some rights are fundamental and should not be subject to majoritarian control.C The legislature should be the most powerful branch of government.D All people should be guaranteed the same rights, whether they are citizens or not.E It is groups rather than individuals that have fundamental rights and immunities.
Question: E
Answer: Since the 1960s, support for the Democratic Party has declined the most among which of the following groups?A Labor union membersB Business leadersC African AmericansD Native AmericansE White southerners
Question: C
Answer: The House Rules Committee is an important part of the legislative process because itA determines ethics rules for members' conductB determines whether a bill should be referred to a policy committee for considerationC determines the terms and conditions of debate when a bill goes to the House floorD has the authority to limit the Speaker and Minority leader in their use of patronageE negotiates compromises on bills with the Senate Rules Committee
Question: A
Answer: The president cannot veto which of the following?A Joint resolutions that propose constitutional amendmentsB Laws overturning United States Supreme Court decisionsC Legislation regulating congressional salariesD Legislation affecting foreign policyE Bills that originate in the Senate
Question: C
Answer: To influence policy making by the federal courts, the president may do all of the following EXCEPTA take partisanship into account in making judicial appointmentsB take political ideology into account in making judicial appointmentsC fire and replace federal judgesD make public statements about issues that might appear before the courtsE encourage the Justice Department to get involved in cases that test certain issues
Question: B
Answer: An example of a discretionary item in the federal budget is A interest on the public debtB spending on national parksC Social Security paymentsD veterans' pensionsE liquidation of prior obligations
Question: E
Answer: Which of the following is LEAST characteristic of the history of political parties in the United States during the twentieth century?A An increase in the number of organized groupsB An increase in the influence of political action committee (PAC) money in congressional electionsC State adoption of direct primary electionsD The loss of party patronage powerE The splitting of the two major parties into a multiparty system
Question: C
Answer: The United States Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka was based on which of the following?A The First Amendment's right to freedom of expressionB The Fourteenth Amendment's due process clauseC The Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of equal protectionD The Fourth Amendment's exclusionary rule E The Fifth Amendment's power of eminent domain
Question: A
Answer: When a bill passes the House and the Senate in different versions, the bill is resolved by which of the following types of committee?A ConferenceB SelectC ReconciliationD RulesE Standing
Question: C
Answer: Candidates for political office use public opinion polls for all of the following purposes EXCEPT to A assess recognition of the candidate's nameB measure voters' support for the candidate's issuesC bring the opposition's opinions into alignment with those of the candidateD fine-tune policy standsE identify key issues among the voters
Question: B
Answer: The clause in the United States Constitution that states that federal law will prevail in the event of a conflict between federal and state law is know as theA necessary and proper clauseB supremacy clauseC presentment clauseD confrontation clauseE equal protection clause
Question: A
Answer: Which of the following stages comes first in the policy-making process?A Agenda settingB LegitimationC Program evaluationD Policy formulationE Implementation
Question: D
Answer: Which of the following situations best illustrates the meaning of divided government in the United States political system?A The majority of Supreme Court justices are from one party, but the president is from another.B The majority of governors are from one party, but the president is from another.C The president and a majority of members of Congress are from one party, but the majority of governors are from another.D The majority of senators and the majority of representatives are from one party, but the president is from another.E The majority of Supreme Court justices are from one party, but the majority of senators and representatives are from another.
Question: D
Answer: All of the following are traditional political values held by most Americans EXCEPTA individual freedomB representative democracyC equality of opportunityD equality of outcomeE due process of law