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The Birth Of The Constitution Worksheet Answers

Question: Confederation

Answer: An organization that consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league

Question: Constitution

Answer: The system of beliefs and laws by which a country, state, or organization is governed

Question: Commerce

Answer: The activity of buying and selling of goods and services

Question: What was the first form of our national government?

Answer: The Articles of Confederation

Question: For a law to pass, how many states had to agree?

Answer: 9 of the 13 states

Question: What were the powers of Congress under the Articles of Confederation?

Answer: the power to declare war, make peace, and create treaties. also to coin and borrow money, admit new states, and crest an army and navy.

Question: What could Congress NOT do under the Article?

Answer: Congress could not tax, or control or interfere with trade between individual states.

Question: Why was there no executive under the Articles?

Answer: There was no executive because the founding fathers feared the return of tyranny.

Question: Convention

Answer: An agreement between parties covering particular matters

Question: Compromise

Answer: An agreement of a dispute that is reached to settle an argument by each side making exceptions

Question: Delegate

Answer: A person designated to represent others

Question: Where did the Constitutional Convention meet in 1787?

Answer: Philadelphia

Question: Who served as president of the convention?

Answer: George Washington

Question: What was the most serious task that the convention faced?

Answer: How to achieve balance between liberty and authority

Question: Name two famous political leaders who were absent from the convention.

Answer: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Question: Bicameral

Answer: (of a legislative body) having two branches or chambers

Question: Unicameral

Answer: (of a legislative body) having one branch or chamber

Question: What questions was resolved by the Great Compromise?

Answer: How our government would be set up

Question: What plan was supported by the larger states? Why?

Answer: The Virginia Plan: (bicameral)the number of congressmen would be decided by population allowing the larger states more control over the government

Question: What plan was supported by the smaller states? Why?

Answer: The New Jersey Plan: (unicameral) each state got the same amount of representatives so the large and small states would be equal

Question: Virginia Plan:How many houses?Number of Congressmen determined by?

Answer: 2 housespopulation

Question: New Jersey Plan:How many houses?Number of Congressmen determined by?

Answer: 1 houseequal for each state

Question: What was the Great Compromise, and how did it establish the legislative body?

Answer: Combined attributes of both plans (bicameral). The House of Representatives established based on the population of the state (larger states happy). The Senate established that each state was given 2 senators (smaller states happy)

Question: Representatives in the House of Representatives are chosen by?

Answer: Population

Question: Senators in the a Senate are chosen by:

Answer: State legislator

Question: Separation of Power

Answer: Division of power in the government so that no one branch is too powerful

Question: Checks and Balances

Answer: A system by which branches check each other to equalize power

Question: Legislative

Answer: Makes the laws(Congress)

Question: Executive

Answer: Carries out the laws (President)

Question: Judicial

Answer: Define or interprets the laws(The Supreme Court)

Question: Name three ways in which the powers of the United States are divided.

Answer: 1. Legislative2. Executive3. Judicial

Question: Why are the powers separated?

Answer: So that no one branch of government can become too powerful

Question: What is the job of the legislative branch?

Answer: To make or "legislate" the laws

Question: What is the job of the executive branch?

Answer: To carry out or enforce the laws

Question: What is the job of the judicial branch?

Answer: To define or interpret the laws

Question: Ratify

Answer: To sign or given formal consent; making it officially valid

Question: Amend

Answer: To alter or modify (a motion, bill, constitution, etc.) by formal procedure

Question: Article

Answer: A specific section of s series in a written document (a contract, constitution, etc.)

Question: What do you think the sun represents in Franklin's quote?

Answer: The beginning of a new day, which brings new possibilities and with the creation of the Constitution the U.S. will become a successful nation and a place where people can find hope and follow their dreams.

Question: What is the purpose of the Preamble?

Answer: To outline the fundamental purposes, principals, and goals of the governemnt

Question: How many Article in the Constitution?

Answer: 7 Articles

Question: What is Article I about?

Answer: Describes the legislative branch

Question: What is Article II about?

Answer: Describes the executive branch

Question: What is Article III about?

Answer: Describes the judicial branch

Question: Why have certain phrases or sections been italicized?

Answer: Indicates the parts that are no longer in effect due to changes or are simply outdated throughout time

Question: By whose power was the Constitution written?

Answer: The Constitutional Convention, which was made up of the founding fathers, but it was written by the people not just one ruler or king.

Question: Break down the Preamble into 6 Goals of Government:

Answer: 1. To form a more perfect union (form a stronger gov.)2. Establish Justice (improve the court system)3. Ensure domestic tranquility (peace in all states)4. Provide for the common defense(protect the country)5. Promote the general welfare (good living conditions)6. Secure the blessings of liberty and out posterity(freedom for all Americans)