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The Combining Form Encephal O Means

Question: The combining form encephal/o means:

Answer: Brain

Question: The combining form cerebr/o means

Answer: Cerebrum

Question: The combining form vag/o means:

Answer: Vagus nerve

Question: Poly________ is the inflammation of several nerves.

Answer: neuritis

Question: ________cele is the protrusion of the meninges and spinal cord through a defect in the spinal column.

Answer: Myelomeningo

Question: The medical term for headache is ceph________.

Answer: algia

Question: Baby Casey was born with spina bifida, which resulted in the protrusion of the meninges called a ________cele.

Answer: meningo

Question: Ms. Kabobi received a(n) ________ic medication to relieve her postoperative pain.

Answer: analges

Question: The outer layer of the meninges is called the ________ mater.

Answer: dura

Question: The largest and uppermost section of the brain is the:

Answer: Cerebrum

Question: A neurologic disorder marked by tics, uncontrollable vocal sounds, and inappropriate words is called:

Answer: Tourette syndrome

Question: Which procedure records electrical activity of the brain?

Answer: Electroencephalography

Question: The sensory warning some people experience before a seizure is called:

Answer: An aura

Question: Mrs. Granger, age 77, has a history of hypertension and atherosclerosis. During the past 3 months, she has experienced temporary episodes of paresthesia and paresis of the right arm consistent with TIAs. She now enters the hospital with a CVA. She has aphasia and right-sided hemiplegia. Mrs. Granger's diagnosis on hospitalization was:

Answer: Cerebrovascular accident

Question: The medical term for a condition of involuntary, spasmodic movements is:

Answer: Dyskinesia

Question: What is the term for brief episodes of neurologic deficit caused by temporary interference with blood supply to the brain?

Answer: Transient ischemic attacks

Question: Diagnostic studies for Mrs. Granger included an MRI and PET scan. Findings indicated blockage of a cerebral artery by a blood clot with necrosis and edema of the area involved. The type of cerebral infarction Mrs. Granger experienced is called a(n):

Answer: Thrombotic stroke

Question: Mrs. Talifori was diagnosed with Parkinson disease. Characteristic symptoms likely to be seen in Mrs. Talifori as the disease progresses include all of the following except:

Answer: Quadriplegia

Question: Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography confirmed that Mr. Hullinger has a malignant glioma that is surgically inaccessible. He is scheduled for stereotactic radiosurgery. A glioma is an intracranial tumor that arises from the:

Answer: Supportive or connective tissue of the brain

Question: Which procedure uses an intracranial guiding device to deliver high-dose radiation to precisely targeted tumor tissue?

Answer: Stereotactic radiosurgery

Question: After losing consciousness, falling, and seizing, Clio, age 5, was brought to the ER by his parents. Two more episodes of tonic-clonic seizures occurred in the ER. Anticonvulsants were started and an EEG ordered. Another term for tonic-clonic seizures is:

Answer: Ictal events

Question: Tonic-clonic seizures are marked by:

Answer: Sudden loss of consciousness and generalized involuntary muscle contractions that alternate with rigidity

Question: Interview of the parents of 5-year-old Clio revealed that for about the last 24 hours, Clio has been irritable, febrile, vomiting, and experiencing cephalgia. Upon further examination, nuchal rigidity (stiff neck) was noted. The physician performed a lumbar puncture to measure intracranial pressure and to obtain cerebrospinal fluid for analysis. Results confirmed a diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. Clio was started on antibiotics. Which term means inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord?

Answer: Meningitis

Question: The white wrapping that surrounds and protects the axon is the:

Answer: Myelin sheath

Question: Through which part of the neuron does an impulse leave the cell?

Answer: Terminal end fiber

Question: The first part of the nerve cell to receive the impulse is the:

Answer: Dendrite

Question: A fold in the surface of the cerebral cortex is called a:

Answer: Gyrus

Question: A network of intersecting nerves in the peripheral nervous system is called a:

Answer: Plexus

Question: A depression or groove in the surface of the cerebral cortex is a:

Answer: Sulcus

Question: Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the brain is called:

Answer: Hydrocephalus

Question: Lou Gehrig disease is another name for:

Answer: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Question: Destruction of the myelin sheath surrounding neurons in the brain and spinal cord describes which condition?

Answer: Multiple sclerosis

Question: Which of the following is a hereditary disorder caused by degenerative changes in the cerebrum?

Answer: Huntington disease

Question: Which of the following is a chronic autoimmune disorder in which the motor neurons fail to transmit impulses to the muscles to cause muscle contraction?

Answer: Myasthenia gravis

Question: A burning pain experienced as a result of a peripheral nerve injury is called:

Answer: Causalgia

Question: The suffix -phasia means:

Answer: Speech

Question: A cerebral hemorrhage may be caused by a localized weakness in a blood vessel wall that dilates and bursts. This weak section of blood vessel is called a(n) _________:

Answer: aneurysm

Question: A general term for progressive neurologic conditions characterized by a gradual decline in mental ability is __________:

Answer: dementia

Question: The preferred imaging technique for viewing brain damage related to infection, inflammation or tumors is:

Answer: Magnetic resonance imaging