The Goals Of U.S. Foreign Policy Include ________.
Question: Why are foreign policy issues morecomplicated than domestic policy issues?a. They are more specific.b. They are more complex.c. The international environment isunpredictable.d. They are more expensive
Answer: c. The international environment isunpredictable.
Question: Which of the following is not a foreign policytype?a. trade policyb. intelligence policyc. war-makingd. bureaucratic oversight
Answer: d. bureaucratic oversight
Question: The goals of U.S. foreign policy include________.a. keeping the country safeb. securing access to foreign marketsc. protecting human rightsd. all the above
Answer: d. all the above
Question: A sole executive agreement is likely to be ineffect longer than is a treaty.a. trueb. false
Answer: b. false
Question: All the following are examples of sharplyfocused foreign policy outputs except ________.a. presidential summitsb. military uses of forcec. emergency spending measuresd. international agreements
Answer: d. international agreements
Question: The War Powers Resolution ________.a. strengthened congressional war powersb. strengthened presidential war powersc. affected the presidency and congressequallyd. ultimately had little impact on war-making
Answer: b. strengthened presidential war powers
Question: The federal budget process matters in foreignpolicy for all the following reasons except________.a. Congress has the power of the purse, so thepresident needs its approvalb. the budget provides the funding needed torun the foreign policy agenciesc. the budget for every presidential action hasto be approved in advanced. the budget allows political institutions toincrease funding in key new areas
Answer: c. the budget for every presidential action hasto be approved in advance
Question: Which types of foreign policy outputs havemore impact, broadly conceived ones or sharplyfocused ones? Why?
Answer: Broadly conceived foreign policy outputs tend to have a longer impact overall because of theirpermanence, though sharply focused foreign policy outputs can have more impact in the short term.
Question: In terms of formal powers in the realm offoreign policy, ________.a. the president is entirely in chargeb. the president and Congress share powerc. Congress is entirely in charged. decisions are delegated to experts in thebureaucracy
Answer: b. the president and Congress share power
Question: Why do House members and senators tend tobe less active on foreign policy matters thandomestic ones?a. Foreign policy matters are more technicaland difficult.b. Legislators do not want to offend certainimmigrant groups within theirconstituency.c. Constituents are more directly affected bydomestic policy topics than foreign ones.d. Legislators themselves are not interested inforeign policy matters.
Answer: c. Constituents are more directly affected bydomestic policy topics than foreign ones.
Question: Neoconservativism is an isolationist foreignpolicy approach of a nation keeping to itself andengaging less internationally.a. trueb. false
Answer: b. false
Question: President George W. Bush was a proponent ofliberal internationalism in his foreign policy.a. trueb. false
Answer: b. false
Question: The U.S. policy of containment during theCold War related to keeping ________.a. terrorism from spreadingb. rogue countries like North Korea fromdeveloping nuclear weaponsc. communism from spreadingd. oil prices from rising
Answer: c. communism from spreading
Question: The use of drones within other countries'borders is consistent with which school ofthought?a. liberal internationalismb. neoconservativismc. neo-isolationismd. grand strategy
Answer: b. neoconservativism
Question: What are the pros and cons of theneoconservative foreign policy approach followedin recent decades?
Answer: The pros are that the United States is less bogged down in international process and can move more quickly tosquelch conflict. The cons are that the United States, in acting alone, might offend other countries that would prefereveryone act together, and that the country might decide to go directly to military-based solutions rather than usingdiplomacy.