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The So-Called Corrupt Bargain Was Negotiated Between

Question: In the early nineteenth century, the Deep South..

Answer: included a vast, productive region in Alabama and Mississippi.

Question: The so-called "corrupt bargain" was negotiated between..

Answer: Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams.

Question: The Supreme Court ruling in Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819) was a victory for..

Answer: corporate contracts.

Question: In the presidential election of 1824...

Answer: John Q. Adams received the second-most electoral votes and became president.

Question: In the early nineteenth century, "mountain men"

Answer: very often married Indian and Mexican women.

Question: The Monroe Doctrine declared that

Answer: European powers should not engage in new colonization of the American continents.

Question: The "era of good feelings" following the War of 1812 reflected

Answer: rising nationalism and optimism in the United States.

Question: Who among the following was a part of the "Virginia Dynasty"?

Answer: James MonroeJohn Quincy AdamsJeffersonMadison

Question: The presidential administration of John Quincy Adams was

Answer: noted for its inability to carry out its policies effectively.

Question: In Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the Marshall Court affirmed federal authority over..

Answer: both individual states and all American Indian tribes.

Question: By 1818, American steam-powered shipping

Answer: -carried more cargo on the Mississippi than all other forms of river transport combined.-increased the transport of manufactured goods westward.-stimulated agriculture in both the West and the South.-had reached as far up the Ohio River as Pittsburgh.

Question: The election of 1828

Answer: saw the emergence of a new two-party system.

Question: The Missouri Compromise of 1819

Answer: maintained the nation's equal number of slave and free states.

Question: During the administration of James Monroe,

Answer: the Federalist Party in effect ceased to exist.

Question: Shortly after becoming president, James Monroe

Answer: undertook a goodwill tour of the country.

Question: The experience of American banking during the War of 1812 revealed the need for

Answer: another national bank.

Question: The policy expressed in the Monroe Doctrine was principally directed at

Answer: Mexico

Question: As a result of the War of 1812,

Answer: the growth of American manufacturing was stimulated.

Question: In the early nineteenth century, life in the western territories was characterized by

Answer: the mobility of the population.

Question: One cause of the Panic of 1819 was

Answer: new management practices within the Bank of the United States.