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Two Recommended Ways To Cool Food Are Shallow Pan And

Question: 3. The walk-in refrigerator must maintain what temperature?

Answer: ???? not 38-41 F

Question: The Temperature Danger Zone is between

Answer: 41 to 140 F

Question: The freezer Temperature should be at

Answer: 0 F (+/- 10 F)

Question: Sanitizer water must be at temperature range of __________

Answer: 75 - 110 F

Question: Two recommended ways to cool food are

Answer: shallow pan and ice bath

Question: Internal T of hot food should be >/=

Answer: 165 F

Question: when can you combine an old and new batch of chili

Answer: never

Question: the 3 contaminants

Answer: Physical, Biological, Chemical

Question: where should towels be when not in use

Answer: in sanitizer solution in bucket