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What Was Napolean Able To Accomplish During Peacetime

Question: About what percent of France's population belonged to the 3rd estate?

Answer: 98

Question: What happened on July 14, Bastille Day?

Answer: A mob stormed a prison looking for gunpowder

Question: Which goal was NOT stated in the "slogan of the Revolution"?

Answer: Justice

Question: What stated that "men are born and remain free and equal in rights"?

Answer: Declaration of the Rights of Man

Question: During the reign of terror, who was safe from the guillotine?

Answer: No one

Question: What was Napoleon able to accomplish during peacetime?

Answer: He set up government-run public schools, a comprehensive system of laws, and established a fairer tax code.

Question: How did admiral Nelson win the battle of Trafalgar?

Answer: He divided the French fleet and attacked smaller groups of ships.

Question: Why did Napoleon attack Portugal?

Answer: To enforce the terms of the Continental System

Question: Which of the following was an important goal of the Congress of Vienna?

Answer: To establish a balance of power in Europe

Question: Who was the most influential leader at the congress of Vienna?

Answer: Prince Metternich of Austria

Question: In what year did Napoleon seize control of the government and assume dictatorial powers?

Answer: 1799

Question: Which of the following events was the latest to occur: Sale of the Louisiana purchase, sending an army through Spain to portugal, losing the battle of Trafalgar, or Napoleons making himself an emperor?

Answer: Sending an army through Spain to Portugal

Question: In what year did Napoleon sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States?

Answer: 1803

Question: Which event happened earliest: battle of Trafalgar, invasion of Russia, Sale of The Louisiana Territory, or the Invasion of Portugal?

Answer: sale of the Louisiana Territory

Question: It took Napoleon approximately how many years to make himself Emperor after assuming dictatorial powers?

Answer: 5

Question: Napoleon's career finally ended in

Answer: 1815

Question: Napoleon was able to maintain the empire at its greatest extent for how long?

Answer: 5 years

Question: An important aspect of napoleons character was his unwillingness to accept defeat. What action best shows that trait?

Answer: He returns to France and raises another army

Question: The action of napoleons that caused the greatest human loss was what?

Answer: The invasion of russia

Question: What percent of Franceís population belonged to the First and Second Estates

Answer: 0.02

Question: Which group most embraced the ideals and principles of the enlightenment?

Answer: The bourgeoisie

Question: What issue led to the first meeting of the estates-general in 175 years?

Answer: Proposed taxation of the second estate

Question: Why did the National Assembly lose the support of many French peasants?

Answer: It took away the Catholic Church's lands and independence

Question: Which group imposed the reign of terror?

Answer: The committee of public safety

Question: Which group finally forced Robespierre from power?

Answer: His fellow revolutionaries

Question: Which of the following was not a reason for Napoleon to sell louisiana?

Answer: To punish the sugar growers in Saint Dominique

Question: What was one important consequence of the battle of Trafalgar?

Answer: Napoleon gave up his plans of invading Britain

Question: How did Great Britain react to the continental system?

Answer: It organized its own blockade

Question: What was the main goal of the participants in the congress of Vienna?

Answer: To establish security and stability for the nations of Europe.