Which Activity Best Helps The Nurse Apply Theory To Practice
Question: Evidence-based care emphasizes decision making based on the best available evidence and:
Answer: Evidence-based care emphasizes decision making based on the best available evidence and the use of outcome studies to guide decisions. The other answers do not represent the primary emphasis of evidence-based care but represent other approaches (specialty or expert knowledge, traditional medical model, and economic concerns).
Question: Which activity best helps the nurse apply theory to practice?
Answer: Evidence-based research is translational research that forms the bridge between theory and practice. Theory development is how desirable change in society is best achieved. Client-focused care is care provided to a client that maintains the client as a functional component of healthcare team. Case management is when care is provided to an individual client by a healthcare provider.
Question: A nurse working in a long-established hospital learned a specific approach to administering intravenous injections from the previous generation of nurses at the hospital. This is an example of which type of knowledge?
Answer: Traditional knowledge is passed from one generation to another. Authoritative knowledge is passed from an expert, and scientific knowledge is provided by way of the scientific method. Philosophy is a specific type of knowledge, not a source.
Question: A nurse is completing a family assessment on a routine home health visit. The parents have a child with a severe peanut allergy. The mother states that she does not purchase any foods with peanut or peanut oil for her family. The other children are allowed to have foods containing peanuts while they are at school and visiting with friends and family. The nurse would conclude that which of the following theories would most like be the basis for this family's functioning?
Answer: Adaptation theory is based on an understanding of humans and their interaction with the environment. In this situation the mother is manipulating the physical environment for the child with allergies, as well as the needs and/or desires of the other children. Systems theory is described as studying relationships between a whole and identifying how parts interact and behave. Developmental theory is based on growth and maturation of humans. Maslow's theory is based on a pyramid of human needs related to the most primitive needs moving toward higher level needs, such as self-actualization.
Question: Which is a focus of medical research rather than nursing research?
Answer: Drug metabolism is an example of a focus of medical research. Nursing research is defined as a systematic inquiry into the problems encountered in nursing practice and into the modalities of client care such as health appraisal, prevention of trauma, promotion of recovery, and coordination of health care (Gortner, 1975).
Question: Who is considered to be the first nursing theorist who conceptualized nursing in terms of manipulating the environment?
Answer: Florence Nightingale conceptualized the nurse's role as manipulating the environment to facilitate and encourage the reparative process. This would be accomplished by attending to ventilation, warmth, light, diet, cleanliness, and noise. Sister Callista Roy, CSJ is an American nun, nursing theorist, professor and author. She is known for creating the adaptation model of nursing. Dorothea Orem was a nursing theorist and creator of the self-care deficit nursing theory, also known as the Orem model of nursing. Lydia Hall was a pioneer in nursing autonomy and nurse-driven care.
Question: Who is considered to be the first nursing researcher?
Answer: Nursing research has been an integral part of the profession since Florence Nightingale documented the care of soldiers in the Crimean War. Although the others listed were important in the history of nursing, Florence Nightingale is considered to be the first nursing researcher.
Question: Confidentiality ensures that the participants' identities will not be linked with the information they provide and will not be publicly divulged. An informed consent in necessary to advise potential participants of possible harm associated with their participation in the research. Not linking the participant's identity to the data collected does not ensure the participant's anonymity (the researcher knows the participant's identity). Informed consent prior to the begin of research is the mechanism that grants the participant the right to withdraw at any time.
Answer: When the nurse researcher informs the participant that the participant's identity will not be linked with the information that is collected, the researcher is ensuring the participant's:
Question: A nurse is discussing dietary issues with a Latino client in the clinic. The client states, "My grandmother always told me that I needed to include beans in my diet so that my muscles would grow." The information that the client is expressing is known as what? Traditional knowledge Authoritative knowledge Scientific knowledge Philosophical knowledge
Answer: Traditional knowledge is known as knowledge that is passed down from one generation to the next. A grandmother passing information is an example of traditional knowledge. Authoritative knowledge is information that is gleaned from an expert based on their perceived experience. Scientific knowledge is derived through the scientific method. Philosophy is the study of wisdom and one perceptions of life.
Question: A nursing theorist examines a hospital environment by studying each ward and how it works individually, and then relates this information to the hospital as a whole working entity. This is an example of the use of which theory? Adaptation theory Developmental theory General systems theory Psychosocial theory
Answer: General systems theory is an example of an interdisciplinary base for a nursing theory. This theory describes how to break whole things into parts and then to learn how the parts work together in "systems." It emphasizes relationships between the whole and the parts and describes how parts function and behave. Another example of an interdisciplinary base for nursing theory is the adaptation theory. Adaptation theory defines adaptation as the adjustment of living matter to other living things and to environmental conditions. A third interdisciplinary base for nursing theory is developmental theory. Developmental theory outlines the process of growth and development of humans as orderly and predictable, beginning with conception and ending with death. Erikson's theory of psychosocial development is one type of developmental theory.
Question: A nurse is developing a foreground question for nursing research using the PICO model. Which component would be represented by the statement, "a 45-year-old male with coronary heart disease and atrial fibrillation"?P I C O
Answer: When using PICO, the "P" stands for the patient or problem and its delineation. The "I" signifies the intervention considered; "C" denotes comparison if appropriate, or it may be optional; and "O" represents the outcome of interest or relevant outcomes.
Question: A nurse develops the following foreground question using the PICO format in preparation for a research study: "In overweight clients, how do chromium supplements compared to no supplements help with weight loss?" Which part of the question reflects the intervention?Overweight clients Chromium supplements No supplements Weight loss
Answer: In this question, the intervention (I) would be the use of chromium supplements. The population (P) would be overweight clients. The comparison (C) would be no supplements. The outcome (O) would be weight loss.
Question: The nurse is caring for a client who was recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Which action demonstrates that the nurse is using the Basic Needs theory? Watching the client test the blood glucose level daily Teaching the client about disease management Providing foot care for the client Helping the client cope with the new diagnosis
Answer: Believing that the setting in which a person learns has an effect on patterns for living things is part of Virginia Henderson's Basic Needs theory, as evidenced by the nurse providing foot care. The other actions support different nursing theories.
Question: Research is included as an essential component of nursing by which of the following organizations? (Select all that apply.) ANA AMA International Council of Nurses IOM Nursing specialty organizations
Answer: The IOM and AMA are predominantly based in medicine. The nursing organizations such as the ANA, International Council of Nurses, and specialty organizations are calling for more research in nursing.
Question: Which statement best explains the importance of theoretic frameworks?Theoretic frameworks guide physiologic nursing care. Theoretic frameworks guide psychosocial nursing care. Theoretic frameworks advance nursing knowledge and practice. Theoretic frameworks advance the ethical aspects of practice.
Answer: Theoretic frameworks are important to the advancement of nursing knowledge and professional practice. The other statements describe that theoretic frameworks guide specific types of nursing care, of which these are only two examples. Research is known to take many years to impact clinical practice, so the possibiliity of advancing the ethical aspects of nursing practice would be a very long term goal without a guarantee.
Question: One of the primary reasons for conducting nursing research is to: quantify outcomes related to clients. determine outcomes for clients. generate knowledge to guide practice. prevent further disease and death.
Answer: One of the major reasons for conducting nursing research is to generate knowledge to guide practice. The other answers pertain to other aspects of nursing practice but not to nursing research.
Question: What type of research study would a hospital conduct to explore clients' and families' perceptions of receiving care?Quantitative Qualitative Ordinal Nonscientific
Answer: Qualitative research is designed to seek the perceptions that the clients' and families' perceptions of receiving their care that the hospital desires. Quantitative researchers tend to use deductive reasoning, logic, and measurable attributes of human experience, whereas qualitative researchers tend to use dynamic, individual aspects of the human experience in a holistic approach. Ordinal and interval refer to types of variables associated with quantitative research analysis. Qualitative research is considered to be scientific even though it is not experimental.
Question: In what historical time period did evidence-based practice become an important component of the delivery of nursing care? The early 1900s The years following World War II The 1970s and 1980s The early 2000s
Answer: In the early years of the 21st century, a heightened focus on evidence-based practice has developed, which relies on research findings to support nursing practice. Each of the other time periods listed had their own separate research and development focus.
Question: Nurses in an ICU noticed that their clients required fewer interventions for pain when the ICU was quiet. They then asked a researcher to design a study about the effects of noise on the pain levels of hospitalized clients. How does this demonstrate the ultimate goal of expanding the nursing body of knowledge? Nursing research involves clients in their care while hospitalized. Nursing research helps improve ways to promote and maintain health. Nursing research draws conclusions about the quality of client care. Nursing research explains ongoing medical studies to clients, and asks for participation.
Answer: Nursing research expands knowledge to learn improved ways to promote and maintain health. The other answers are incorrect because they are not the primary purpose of nursing research.
Question: Which theory describes, explains, predicts, and controls outcomes in nursing practice?Nursing theory Systems theory Adaptation theory Developmental theory
Answer: Nursing theory describes, explains, predicts, and controls outcomes in nursing practice. Systems theory describes how parts interact together. Adaptation theory describes adjustment of living things to other living things and the environment. Developmental theory describes maturation of humans through stages.
Question: Which is not an example of a problem statement? "Is there a relationship between diet soda intake and obesity in adolescent boys?" "In clients with stage II pressure injuries, does screening for and treating diagnosed depression decrease healing time?" "Is it better to tell clients that a medical error has occurred with their care and do an internal investigation, or tell them about the error and do an internal investigation?" "What is it like for teens with cystic fibrosis to experience a lung transplant that fails?"
Answer: The problem statement that is incorrect is redundent and unclear. A problem statement identifies the direction that a research project will take. It should be introduced at the beginning of a research project and include a population to be studied, as well as express a relationship between two or more variables. A problem statement that contains a judgment or that is asking about ethics, morals, or values is not amenable to the research process.
Question: A nurse is planning to conduct a nursing research study and is seeking federal funding. Which institution would be most helpful for the nurse to contact regarding acquiring funding?National Institutes of Health National Institute of Nursing Research Institute of Medicine ANA Cabinet on Nursing Research
Answer: The nurse would most likely contact the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), which was established under the National Institutes of Health in response to a 1983 study by the Institute of Medicine. The institute's purpose was to place nursing securely in the sphere of scientific investigation and to support research and training in client care, health promotion, and disease prevention, as well as the mitigation of effects of acute and chronic disabilities. The NINR has continued to fund and support nursing research and is instrumental in the support and dissemination of seminal work in nursing. The ANA Cabinet on Nursing Research was responsible for establishing priorities for nursing research.
Question: For which research activity is a phenomenological research method most appropriate? Attempting to understand non-English speaking immigrants' experiences of being hospital clients Describing the health maintenance activities that are practiced by homeless, intravenous drug users Explaining how the particular characteristics of the Vietnam War affected the roles of nurses Understanding how clients cope with a new diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
Answer: Phenomenology is the type of qualitative research that attempts to understand individuals' experiences and the meanings they assign to these. Research that is undertaken within a specific culture, such as that of homeless, intravenous drug users, is characteristic of ethnography. Examining the significance of past events, such as war, is associated with historical qualitative research. Processes such as coping are the most common focuses of grounded theory.
Question: The director of nurses (DON) in a long-term care facility has noticed an increased number of urinary tract infections (UTIs) on the east wing of the facility, and would like the infection control nurse to investigate this problem. What is the best problem statement for this study? "Is there a relationship between the personnel caring for specific clients and whether or not these clients developed UTIs?" "Is there an increase in the number of UTIs on the east wing of the facility?" "Does the east wing have a greater number of UTIs than the west wing of the facility?" "What is the client census on the east wing as opposed to the other wings of the facility?"
Answer: "Is there a relationship between the personnel caring for specific clients and whether or not these clients developed UTIs?"Research cannot begin before considerable review, investigation, and forethought have been given to the issue that appears to be the prroblem to be investigated. The problem statement in a research study identifies the direction that a research project will take. The statement should be clear and unambiguous, express a relationship between two or more variables, identify the population to be studied, and encourage empiric testing.