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Which Of The Following Is The Most Common Urinary Parasite

Question: Tell patients to refrigerate the labeled collection container or keep it in a cooler or pail filled with ice

Answer: Which of the following is a general urine collection guideline?

Question: Random urine specimen

Answer: Which of the following is the most common type of urine sample?

Question: First morning urine specimen

Answer: Which urine specimen is collected after a night's sleep and contains greater concentrations of substances?

Question: clean-catch midstream urine specimen

Answer: The type of urine specimen that may be submitted for culturing to identify the number and the types of pathogens present is the

Question: Timed urine specimen

Answer: Which type of urine specimen can be used to measure a patient's urinary output or analyze substances collected over a specified period of time?

Question: 24-hour specimen

Answer: Which urine specimen is used to complete a quantitative and qualitative analysis of one or more substances such as sodium, chloride, or calcium?

Question: clean-catch midstream urine specimen

Answer: A urine specimen for culture can be obtained either through catheterization or by obtaining a

Question: Wipe down one side of the perineal area with the first towelette, down the other side with the second towelette, and down the middle with the third towelette.

Answer: Which of the following would you include in teaching a female patient how to collect a clean-catch midstream urine specimen?

Question: Instruct the patient to keep the specimen covered and in the refrigerator throughout the test

Answer: Which of the following would you include in patient instruction about collecting a 24-hour urine specimen?

Question: catheterization

Answer: The procedure during which a sterile plastic tube is inserted to provide urinary drainage is

Question: Relieve urinary retention

Answer: Catheterization is performed for which of the following reasons?

Question: urine remaining in the bladder after voiding

Answer: Residual urine is

Question: 50 mL

Answer: What amount of residual urine is considered abnormal?

Question: straight

Answer: Which type of catheter is used to collect specimens or to instill medications?

Question: Cystostomy

Answer: Which type of catheter is used for drainage through a wound that leads to the bladder?

Question: splinting

Answer: Which type of catheter is inserted after plastic repair of the ureter and must remain in place for at least a week after surgery?

Question: 60-year-old female patient

Answer: When you instruct a patient about how to collect a 24-hour urine specimen, which patient should you ask about possible leakage when laughing or coughing?

Question: preeclampsia

Answer: a pregnant patient's urine is checked for abnormal levels of protein during a prenatal visit to detect

Question: a urinary infection or kidney stones

Answer: A pregnant patient who tells you that she is having pain during urination or in the kidney area may be experiencing

Question: proteinuria

Answer: Which of the following may indicate polycystic kidney disease?

Question: diabetes mellitus

Answer: Abnormally high levels of glucose in the urine may indicate

Question: Explain to the patient that no water may be running in the bathroom while he is providing the sample

Answer: Which of the following is important when obtaining a urine specimen from a patient for drug and alcohol testing?

Question: It may affect the sediment and specific gravity

Answer: Which of the following statements about refrigerating urine specimens is true?

Question: 1 hour

Answer: Chemical and microscopic changes that invalidate a urine specimen occur if the urine is kept at room temperature for more than

Question: negative to trace

Answer: The normal urine value for protein is

Question: bilirubinuria

Answer: Which of the following is one of the first signs of liver disease?

Question: 1250

Answer: With adequate fluid intake, the average adult daily urine output is __ mL per 24 hours.

Question: Excessive intake of water, beer, and coffee

Answer: Which of the following are nonpathologic causes for colorless or pale urine?

Question: pale yellow to yellow

Answer: Normal urine color ranges from

Question: Oliguria

Answer: Which of the following refers to an insufficient production of urine?

Question: anuria

Answer: Renal or urethral obstruction and renal failure can cause

Question: specific gravity

Answer: Which of the following measures the concentration of substances dissolved in urine?

Question: uncontrolled diabetes

Answer: A urine odor characterized as "fruity" is present in

Question: urinary tract infection

Answer: Increased specific gravity occurs in

Question: Check the expiration date on the reagent strip container

Answer: Which of the following is necessary when you are measuring specific gravity with a reagent strip?

Question: Turn on the light and look into the eyepiece to measure refraction

Answer: Which of the following would you include when measuring specific gravity with a refractometer?

Question: ketone bodies

Answer: Intermediary products of fat and protein metabolism in the body are

Question: Urinary pH

Answer: Which of the following is a measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the urine?

Question: blood in the urine

Answer: Hematuria is

Question: testing urine immediately or covering and refrigerating it until you can test it

Answer: The correct procedure for testing for ketones using a reagent strip includes

Question: hemoglobinuria

Answer: A rare condition caused by transfusion reactions, malaria, drug reaction, snakebites, or severe burns is

Question: phenylketonuria

Answer: A genetically inherited disorder in which the body cannon properly metabolize the nutrient phenylalanine, resulting in mental retardation, is

Question: Nitrite

Answer: The presence of which of the following in the urine suggests a bacterial infection in the urinary tract?

Question: first morning specimen

Answer: The best urine specimen to test for nitrates is a

Question: white blood cells

Answer: Which of the following are present in large amounts in the urine if inflammation is present?

Question: after the centrifuge stops, discard most of the supernatant from the tube

Answer: Which of the following is important in processing a urine specimen for microscopic examination of sediment?

Question: supernatant

Answer: The liquid portion from the tube of urine that is discarded down the drain after the centrifuge stops is called the

Question: Yeast cells

Answer: Which of the following are frequently associated with vaginitis, urethritis, and prostatitis?

Question: trichomoniasis vaginalis

Answer: Which of the following is the most common urinary parasite?

Question: proteinuria

Answer: Which of the following is commonly found in renal disease, in pregnant patients, or after heavy exercise?

Question: pregnancy

Answer: Which of the following conditions is suspected when a reagent urine strip for human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) shows positive?

Question: wear adequate personal protective equipment

Answer: Which of the following is part of the medical assistant's responsibility is collecting and testing urine and stool samples?

Question: O&P specimen

Answer: If the physician suspects a patient has a protozoal or parasitic infection, what type of specimen may she order?

Question: 3

Answer: When a physician suspects that a patient has a protozoal or parasitic infection, what is the minimum number of stool specimens that need to be examined?

Question: The sample must not be contaminated with urine

Answer: Which of the following statements is true about patient collection of a stool sample?

Question: Inform the physician or your supervisor and ask whether you should process the sample

Answer: In your office, patients collect samples using the patient restroom and leave the samples on the back of the toilet. You send April into the restroom after giving her the collection kit, including three towelettes, and instructing her on how to perform a clean-catch midstream urine specimen. After she returns to the exam room and you go into the restroom to collect the specimen, you notice the three towelette packages, unopened, in the trashcan. What should you do?

Question: "Did you have asparagus for lunch?"

Answer: Wendy has provided a random urine sample and has returned to the examination room. You notice that the sample is a blue-green color. Which of the following questions would you ask Wendy to help rule out nonpathologic causes for the unusual color?

Question: Hepatic disease

Answer: Tyrone has provided a random urine sample, and you are performing a routine urinalysis. The specific gravity of the urine is 1.043. Which of the following conditions might the physician suspect based on this result?

Question: chain of custody

Answer: When you obtain a urine specimen for drug or alcohol analysis, you must establish a proper

Question: preserved

Answer: For an O&P test, you should obtain both a fresh and a ___ stool specimen for examination.

Question: hidden

Answer: A fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is a test for ___, or occult, blood in the stool.

Question: anuria

Answer: Renal or urethral obstruction and renal failure can cause absence of urine production, known as

Question: bilirubinuria

Answer: Presence of the bile pigment bilirubin in the urine, called ___, is one of the first signs of liver disease or conditions that involve the liver

Question: casts

Answer: Cylinder-shaped elements with flat or rounded ends that are formed when protein from the breakdown of cells accumulates and precipitates in the kidney tubules and are washed into the urine are called

Question: catheterization

Answer: The procedure in which a sterile plastic tube is inserted into the kidney, ureter, or bladder to provide urinary drainage is called

Question: clean catch

Answer: The ___ midstream urine specimen may be collected and submitted for culturing to identify the number and the types of pathogens present and requires special cleansing of the external genitalia to avoid contamination.

Question: crystals

Answer: Naturally produced solids of definite form that are commonly seen in urine specimens and usually do not indicate a significant disorder are

Question: drainage

Answer: Catheters used to withdraw fluids, including Foley, retention, ureteral, and straight versions, are collectively known as ___ catheters.

Question: first morning

Answer: A ___ urine specimen contains greater concentrations of substances that collect overnight than do specimens taken during the day.

Question: glycosuria

Answer: Occurring in patients with diabetes, ____ is the presence of significant glucose in the urine.

Question: hematuria

Answer: The presence of blood in the urine, or ___, can be caused by cystitis, kidney stones, menstruation, ureteral or bladder catheters, or urethral irritation.

Question: hemoglobinuria

Answer: The presence of free hemoglobin in the urine is known as ___, a rare condition caused by transfusion reactions, malaria, drug reactions, snakebites, or severe burns.

Question: myoglobinuria

Answer: Injured of damaged muscle tissue can cause ____, which is the presence of myoglobin in the urine.

Question: oliguria

Answer: Patients that are dehydrated, have a decreased fluid intake, are in shock, or have renal disease may have an insufficient production (or volume) of urine. This is called ___

Question: phenylketonuria

Answer: A genetically inherited disorder in which the body cannot properly metabolize the nutrient phenylalanine is ___. (PKU)

Question: proteinuria

Answer: An excess of protein in the urine is called ___ and usually indicates renal disease. However, it may occur in pregnant patients or after heavy exercise.

Question: random

Answer: The ___ urine specimen is the most common type of sample and may be obtained at any time of the day.

Question: refractometer

Answer: A ___ is an optical instrument that measures the refraction, or bending, of light as it passes through a liquid and is used to measure specific gravity of the liquid.

Question: splinting

Answer: A ___ catheter is inserted after plastic repair of the ureter and must remain in place for at least a week after surgery.

Question: supernatant

Answer: The centrifuge is used to spin the urine to force the solids (cells, casts, and crystals) to the bottom of the tube. Most of the liquid portion, called the ___, is poured off, and the remaining sediment is examined by microscope.

Question: 24-hour

Answer: A ___ urine specimen is used to complete a quantitative and qualitative analysis of one or more substances, such as sodium, chloride, and calcium, and is collected over a full day.

Question: urinalysis

Answer: The evaluation of urine to obtain information about body health and disease is called a __

Question: catheter

Answer: A sterile plastic tube inserted to provide urinary drainage is called a urinary

Question: pH

Answer: Urinary ____ is a measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the urine and can provide information about a patient's metabolic status, diet, and medications being taken.

Question: specific gravity

Answer: Urine ___ is a measure of the concentration of amount of substances dissolved in urine.

Question: urobilinogen

Answer: When hemoglobin breaks down, it converts into conjugated bilirubin in the liver and then to ___ in the intestines. It is normally present in the urine in small amounts, but high levels may indicate increased red blood cell destruction or liver disease, and a lack of it in the urine may suggest total bile duct obstruction.