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Why I Wrote The Crucible Answers

Question: Why did Arthur Miller write the crucible?

Answer: -restore social awareness-awaken the concious American mind -witnessed the mayhem of the Red Scare-needed a way to portray the ridiculousness of the Red Scare without actually writing about the Red Scare-Salem Witch Trials reflected the situation perfectly

Question: Why do people continue to perform, read, and study the Crucible?

Answer: -used today for its ability to replace the audience in an allegorically identical situation-audience starts asking questions when the play feels too similar to the current state of their country -humans will always have a need to accept society, so the crucible will always be used to wake up the public

Question: What connections can you make between the crucible and your experiences today?

Answer: Terrorism in America (post-9/11)-terrorists, like witches, can look like anyone, which introduces suspicion as a form of protection for citizens to be one step ahead-political parties and campaigns uses fear to manipulate the public to get desired results (votes) -islamophobia is not properly punished and instead perpetuated by the promotion of all terroristd being muslim (president's character questioned because of his muslim background: hysterics) -media produces propoganda praising soldiers for the deaths of muslims ("god has chosen you to reveal the devil's workers")

Question: Miller says ____ formed the crucible's "skeleton"

Answer: The Red Scare (1950s)

Question: Who was McCarthy?

Answer: Senator, Prominent leader of the red scare movement

Question: Was the fear of Communism real or imagined?

Answer: The reality of communisms growing influence creating concern was justified; the fear of it infiltrating the US to the extent of a potential domestic threat was an exaggerated fear

Question: According to Miller, "the Crucible was an act of ______"

Answer: Desparation

Question: The Red Scare caused the ___________ to act out of character by ____________. This was a partial motivation for Miller.

Answer: The liberal party, refraining from protesting the accusals for fear they would also be accused.

Question: "J'accuse" means

Answer: Expression of outrage and accusation against someone powerful.

Question: Why did Arthur Miller feel it necessary to write the play?

Answer: Miller wrote the play because he felt the liberals, who were well-known for eagerly expressing discerning opinions, had been silenced by the fear of accusal. Miller believed the ability to declare that someone or something is wrong without being concerned for one's safety is essential.

Question: Initially, this president said "coddling communists" was a red herring created by the republicans to bring down the democrats.

Answer: President Truman

Question: What was the House Committee on un-american activities?

Answer: Led the Red hunt with McCarthy

Question: What changes did Harry Cohn want to make to "The Hook"?

Answer: He wanted Miller to change the gangsters to communists

Question: Why did writing a play about the current time period seem impossible to Miller?

Answer: Seemed impossible bc of how hard it would be to assimilate such a vast disruption in the minds of a country in a theatrical format

Question: Who was Charles W. Upham?

Answer: Mayor of Salem; published book recounting his investigation of the salem witch trials in 1867

Question: When was the crucible made?

Answer: 50 years ago in 1996

Question: What does he say not travel well in your body?

Answer: Fear (it can erase memories in your brain)

Question: Who is unsettling in his films does the author mention?

Answer: Joseph McCarthy

Question: How did students react at the Hitler speech being played?

Answer: They laughed

Question: What did the State department do to officers?

Answer: fired any of them who knew of Chinese language, the country, and/or culture

Question: If the liberals were too loud about their protests, what would occur?

Answer: They could be identified as covert Communists if they should protest too strongly

Question: Which party led the Red Hunt?

Answer: House of Committee & McCarthy

Question: What did the House Committee do to actors in search of a job?

Answer: Take their name and go through a clearing process (background check)

Question: What did Harry Cohn do?

Answer: Took story to FBI and wanted to change the bad guys characters to be communists

Question: What did the wire say from Harry Cohn?

Answer: "The minute we try to make the script pro-american you pull out."

Question: Who was Reverend Samuel Parris

Answer: chief instigators of witch-hunt

Question: Who was abigail?

Answer: Niece of Reverend Parris

Question: Where did his original play?

Answer: Elizabeth Proctor

Question: What was the main problem of making the play?

Answer: Many of the practices of Salem trials were similar to those of governemnt--could be accused

Question: Where did it say witches were not real?

Answer: bible

Question: What was spectral evidence?

Answer: When an accused person's spectral shape appears to a person in a dream, and they live to remember it.

Question: How would you get out of getting hanged?

Answer: saying you contacted the devil

Question: Best proof of sincerity?

Answer: confession of naming others who you'd seen in your dream

Question: What were other reasons wanted to write Crucible?

Answer: Language intriuged him (had to make it easy for actors to read)

Question: How long did it take to write whole play?

Answer: a year

Question: How was audience described on opening night?

Answer: hostile, many critiques

Question: Where is it plaed today?

Answer: Whenever a regime had been overthrown or political coup was imminent