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Wood And Cotton Cloth Are Composed Of

Question: sing of sucrose, a disaccharide results in

Answer: two monomers

Question: wood and cotton cloth are composed of

Answer: cellulose

Question: a fat is formed when Three fatty acids join a glycerol by a

Answer: dehydration reaction

Question: testosterone is a lipid-based hormone; insulin is a_______ -based hormone

Answer: protein

Question: which of the following correctly lists the parts of a nucleotide of RNA

Answer: nitrogen-containing base, ribose, phosphate

Question: which of the following is not associated with proteins

Answer: made up of amino acids bonded together

Question: which of the following levels of a protein are susceptible to denaturation

Answer: tertiary and quaternary structures

Question: which of the following levels of protein folding would include shapes identified as Helix and pleated sheet?

Answer: secondary structure

Question: which formula is a hydrocarbon?

Answer: CH4

Question: Glycogen is a_______made of many________.

Answer: polymer ; glucose molecules

Question: human store their polysaccharides in the form of

Answer: glycogen

Question: a fatty acid that has at least two double bonds is called

Answer: unsaturated

Question: what category of biological molecules are steroids included in

Answer: lipids

Question: which functional group is seen in amino acids?

Answer: - NH2

Question: how does DNA differ from RNA?

Answer: DNA is comprised of a double strand, RNA is a single strand.

Question: a nucleotide is made of which of the following chemical components

Answer: a nitrogen-containing base, a phosphate group, and a sugar

Question: what functional group

Answer: - OH

Question: the basic building block or subunit of many biological molecules is called a

Answer: monomer

Question: which of the following is inorganic molecule

Answer: H2CO3

Question: which of the following is not an organic molecule

Answer: h2nch2cn

Question: in addition to carbon an organic molecule must contain

Answer: hydrogen

Question: which nitrogen-containing base is found in DNA but not in RNA

Answer: Thymine

Question: which nitrogen-containing base is found in RNA but not in DNA

Answer: uracil

Question: DNA functions to________while RNA is function is to_______

Answer: store the information to make RNA; contain the information to make a protein

Question: when starch is digested, and -OH group and an -H group from a water molecule is used in hydrolysis to split the monosaccharide subunits

Answer: TRUE

Question: the shape of a protein is a critical factor in its function

Answer: TRUE

Question: the polypeptide forms a pleated sheet or a helix as its tertiary structure

Answer: FALSE

Question: in sickle cell disease, malformation of red blood cells is caused by only one mistake for one amino acid in the genetic code for hemoglobin.

Answer: TRUE