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X Ray Record Image Of The Spinal Cord

Question: arterioles

Answer: small arteries, the smaller, thinner branches of arteries that carry blood to the capillaries

Question: malignant myeloma

Answer: Tumor of bone marrow., malignant tumor of plasma cells

Question: myelogram

Answer: X-ray record of the spinal cord, In this test, Radiopague die or air is inserted in Sub-Arachnoid space then x-rays are taken. Looking at: Spinal cord, Nerve Roots, Assessing for Back Pain. Looking at abnormalities of the spinal cord & vertebrae

Question: cystocele

Answer: hernia of the urinary bladder, herniation of the bladder into the vagina

Question: otalgia

Answer: pain in the ear; earache

Question: nerc/o

Answer: death (cells or whole body)

Question: amniocentesis

Answer: (pregnancy) Extraction by centesis of amniotic fluid from a pregnant woman (after the 15th week of pregnancy) to aid in the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities, a prenatal test that involves removing a small amount of the amniotic fluid that surrounds the developing fetus and may be performed to check for down syndrome in a mother over age 35

Question: chronic

Answer: continuing over a long period of time or recurring often, PERSISTING FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME

Question: scope

Answer: electronic equipment that provides visual images of varying electrical quantities, instrument for visual examination

Question: ischemia

Answer: insufficient blood flow to an area, Name the most common type or cause. • Hypoxia, Hypoemia. Local anemia due to mechanical obstruction to the blood supply.

Question: ptosis

Answer: drooping, sagging, prolapse, drooping of the eyelid usually caused by paralysis

Question: tonsillitis

Answer: inflammation of the tonsils (especially the palatine tonsils), Inflammation of the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils. Caused by viral or bacterial infections. Colds can turn into this too! Inflammation caused enlargement, results in pain & difficulty swallowing & risk for airway obstruction.

Question: acromegaly

Answer: enlargement of the extremities (and bones of the face, hands, and feet caused by excessive production of the growth hormone by the pituitary gland after puberty)

Question: therapy

Answer: treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder, treatment methods aimed at making people feel better and function more effectively

Question: stomy

Answer: new opening, surgical opening

Question: laryngectomy

Answer: resection of the voice box, surgical removal or excision of the larynx; usually performed as a treatment for laryngeal cancer

Question: graph

Answer: instrument for recording, process of recording (EX electrocardiograph)

Question: angioplasty

Answer: surgical repair of a blood vessel, a procedure in which a small balloon is used to open a partially blocked coronary artery by flattening the plaque deposit and stretching the lumen

Question: hypertrophy

Answer: increase in cell size, excessive growth or development, as of a body part (ant. atrophy), Increase in size of muscles

Question: sclerosis

Answer: hard, hardening, ABNORMAL HARDENING, Hardening of tissue, usually due to scarring (fibrosis) after inflammation

Question: -oid

Answer: resembling, like in form or shape

Question: lymphocyte

Answer: a type of white blood cell that fights infection, an agranulocytic leukocyte that normally makes up a quarter of the white blood cell count but increases in the presence of infection, A type of white blood cell that mediates acquired immunity. Those that complete their development in the bone marrow are called B cells, and those that mature in the thymus are called T cells.

Question: neutrophil

Answer: Polymorphonuclear leukocyte, A small white blood cell with an irregular nucleus, Primary component of pus, a granular leukocyte, named for the neutral stain of its granules, that fights infection by swallowing bacteria (phagocytosis), white blood cell that destroys bacteria and viruses, neutrophils'granules take up purple stain equally,whether the stain is acid or alkaline

Question: cocci

Answer: berry-shaped bacteria, spherical-shaped bacteria which usually grow in clusters or chains

Question: eosinophil

Answer: a granular leukocyte, named for the rose-color stain of its granules, that increases with allergy and some infections, Red granules, White blood cell with reddish granules; numbers increase in allergic reactions

Question: antigens

Answer: foreign substances that trigger the attack of antibodies in the immune response., when body detects these unwanted substances it increases phagocyte (which destroy thru digestion) & lymphocytes ( that destroy thru attack)

Question: dia-

Answer: through, complete

Question: brady

Answer: slow: bradycardia—abnormally slow heartbeat

Question: relapse

Answer: To suffer a return of a disease after partial recovery.

Question: epithelium

Answer: Layer of skin cells forming the outer and inner surfaces of the body, an epithelial tissue

Question: recombiant DNA

Answer: technique of transferring genetic material from one organism to another

Question: parathyroid gland

Answer: any one of four endocrine glands situated above or within the thyroid gland, releases calcium from bones into bloodstream, helps absorption of food in intestines, controls calcium level in blood (bones, teeth, nerve funtion, muscle contraction, clotting), Located in your neck, inner surface of thyroid have 4 spots, They monitor calcium levels in your blood

Question: intercostal

Answer: Pertaining to between the ribs, SPACE BETWEEN THE RIBS

Question: antibodies

Answer: protein that is produced by lymphocytes and attaches to a specific antigen, proteins that fight infection

Question: symphysis

Answer: Type of joint in which bones are joined by fibrocartilage, bones grow together, as in the pelvis, 1. A line of fusion between two bones that are separate in early development. 2. A form of synchondrosis, in which the bones are separated by a disc of fibrocartilage, as in joints between bodies of vertebrae or between pubic bones.

Question: increased (arrow pointing up) cell size

Answer: ...

Question: hyperglycemia

Answer: increase of blood sugar, An abnormally high concentration of glucose in the blood. A common feature of diabetes mellitus.

Question: symbiosis

Answer: a relationship in which two different organisms live in close association with each other

Question: exophthalmos

Answer: protrusion of one or both eyeballs, often because of thyroid dysfunction or a tumor behind the eyeball, Protrusion of the eyeball (proptosis); symptom of hyperthyroidism.

Question: prodome

Answer: symptoms that appear before an illness

Question: ante cibum

Answer: a.c. Before food. "Medication to be taken 40 mg a.c.", Before meals (abbreviated a.c. on prescription orders).

Question: syndactyly

Answer: Webbed fingers or toes, Fusion of fingers or toes; a congenital anomaly.

Question: u/s

Answer: ultra sound

Question: metamorphosis

Answer: change of form or shape

Question: contralateral

Answer: pertaining to the opposite side

Question: through the skin

Answer: percutaneous, transdermal

Question: dysphea

Answer: difficulty breathing, painful breathing

Question: abductor muscle

Answer: muscle that leads a limb away from the body., Any muscle used to pull a body part away from the midline of the body.

Question: retroperitoneal

Answer: pertaining to behind the peritoneum, behind the abdomen, behind the sac holding the abdominal organs and viscera (peritoneum)

Question: tachycardia

Answer: abnormally rapid heartbeat (over 100 beats per minute), Fast, or rapid, heartbeat (usually more than 100 beats per minute in an adult)