I Hate CBT's

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A Full Night'S Sleep Is Characterized By

Question: patterns of brain activity

Answer: The stages of sleep are delineated by

Question: Stage 3

Answer: The deepest stage of sleep is

Question: stage 2

Answer: Which stage of sleep is the longest in adults

Question: four ti five cycles of about 90 minutes each

Answer: A full night's sleep is characterized by

Question: decreased

Answer: The melatonin response may be ___________ in people who are blind compared to sighted people

Question: setting a light timer to turn on a 7 am

Answer: Peter regularly wakes up at 9:00 am, but has accepted a new job that requires him to wake up at 7:30 am. What would effectively increase his chances of shifting his sleep phase

Question: adolescence

Answer: A delayed sleep phase is most common during which stage of life

Question: sleep

Answer: A high progesterone level promotes _________

Question: length of sleep, circadian rhythms, and level of homeostasis sleep drive

Answer: Athletic performance is influenced by

Question: drinking fluids within 3 hour of bedtime

Answer: To avoid getting up to use the bathroom at night, you should avoid

Question: companionship, mutuality, resoprosity, respect, trust, loyalty

Answer: List six characteristics of friendships

Question: presence of sexual desire

Answer: Intimate partnerships differ from friendships how

Question: reconnecting with neglected acquaintances

Answer: What is recommended in the period immediately following a breakup

Question: recognizing feelings as they occur

Answer: Emotional intelligence includes

Question: self-disclosure, listening skills, and feedback skills

Answer: List three keys of good communication in a relationship

Question: self-disclosure

Answer: Revealing personal information that we ordinarily wouldn't reveal because of the risk involved, describes what

Question: FALSE

Answer: Married men have assumed an equal share of child-care responsibilities? T/F

Question: conscious chose

Answer: Commitment is based on

Question: 0.75

Answer: Approximately what percentage of divorced people marry again

Question: Uterus

Answer: Womb is another term for

Question: ovaries and uterus

Answer: The Fallopian tubes link what two organs

Question: prepuce

Answer: Male circumcision involves removal of what

Question: everything you do in your daily life that expresses your gender

Answer: Your gender role is determined by

Question: TRUE

Answer: Sexual orientation is defined by a continuum of attraction? T/F

Question: 23

Answer: How many pairs of chromosomes do human cells normally contain

Question: ovulation

Answer: The release of an egg from an ovary is characteristic of

Question: erectile dysfunction

Answer: The term impotence is an older name for

Question: Zygotene

Answer: What is the proper term for a newly fertilized egg

Question: inside the fallopian tube

Answer: Where does conception normally occur