I Hate CBT's

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A Reinforcement Is Any Event That

Question: A relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience is the definition of

Answer: learning

Question: A reinforcement is any event that

Answer: increases the probability that a particular response will occur

Question: Events that occur just before a response are called

Answer: antecedents

Question: Classical conditioning and operant conditioning are two types of ______________ learning

Answer: associative

Question: Operant conditioning is based on

Answer: the consequences of making a response

Question: Ivan Pavlov has been credited with the initial discovery of

Answer: classical conditioning

Question: In Pavlov's experiments with dogs, the conditioned stimulus was the

Answer: bell

Question: Advertisers often try to use higher order conditioning by

Answer: pairing images which evoke good feelings with pictures of their products

Question: A phobia is best interpreted as a

Answer: conditioned emotional response

Question: The gradual molding of responses to a desired pattern is known as

Answer: shaping

Question: The brief return of an operant response after its apparent extinction is known as

Answer: a spontaneous recovery

Question: Ms. Campbell gives her students a star for every completed homework assignment. The star serves as a

Answer: positive reinforcement

Question: What do positive and negative reinforcement have in common?

Answer: They both lead to an increase in response frequencies.

Question: If spanking a child decreases the child's misbehavior, the parent has used

Answer: aversive punishment

Question: Nonlearned reinforcers that usually satisfy physiological needs are known as

Answer: primary reinforcers

Question: Which of the following might serve as a secondary reinforcer?

Answer: Grades

Question: When it is frequent, immediate, and detailed, which of the following is more likely to be effective?

Answer: Feedback

Question: By a continuous reinforcement schedule, we mean that

Answer: each correct response is reinforced

Question: A gambler playing a slot machine is being reinforced on which schedule of reinforcement?

Answer: variable ratio

Question: A pigeon learns to peck at a circle for food. The fact that it also pecks at an oval describes

Answer: operant stimulus generalization

Question: A problem with the use of punishment is that

Answer: it causes fear, frustration, anxiety, and encourages aggression.

Question: If you want a child to behave,

Answer: use all of these in combination

Question: Memory, thinking, problem-solving, and the use of concepts and language are all involved in

Answer: cognitive thinking

Question: Learning that occurs without obvious reinforcement and reminds hidden until reinforcement is provided is known as

Answer: latent learning

Question: If kids are watching a show then can use the same equipment, what are they going to do with it?

Answer: Imitate the behaviors that they see