I Hate CBT's

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In Order To Ensure A Behavior Definition Is Complete

Question: B. confidence intervalsC. exclusionary examples

Answer: In order to ensure a behavior definition is complete, it is often important to include

Question: People with Autism cannot be diagnosed with other developmental disabilities.

Answer: FALSE

Question: In single stimulus preference assessments, children are given free access to a room full of toys, but must choose only one to play with.

Answer: FALSE

Question: The IISCA Conditions Typically are run for 3-5 min at a time

Answer: TRUE

Question: Research unequivocally supports the idea that authoritarian is bad for children

Answer: FALSE

Question: Rate and Frequency counts require________ behaviors.

Answer: discrete

Question: Interventions designed to prevent problem behaviors

Answer: A. Antecedent interventions???B. Punishment???

Question: Momentary Time Sampling for groups

Answer: PLA-CHECK. ( Planned Activity Check)

Question: The Term " Successive approximations" refers to the behavior change methodology called

Answer: Shaping

Question: Task analysis is the process of breaking a task down into a ___________ of smaller steps

Answer: Sequence

Question: Retirement usually does not bring about the same kinds of feelings of loss for people with developmental disabilities as it does for people without disabilities.

Answer: FALSE

Question: RBTs are responsible for knowing a child's behavior intervention plan

Answer: TRUE

Question: RBT: "Bobby"Bobby: (looks at RBT).In this scenario, Bobby's behavior is a(n) ___________________ skill.

Answer: Listener Skill

Question: Scatterplot markers should be connected by a line

Answer: FALSE

Question: Skinner's theory cannot explain complex human behavior such as language.

Answer: FALSE

Question: If/then statements are designed to prevent us from making______

Answer: assumptions

Question: Natural environment teaching method in which the teacher observes the child's point of interest, models the correct response, and requires the child to replicate the model.

Answer: Mand-Model

Question: Person- Centered planning teams are the same as IEP teams

Answer: FALSE

Question: In order for a consequence to be truly reinforcing, the person must engage in the behavior more often in the future.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Maintenance trials usually occurs less often over time

Answer: TRUE

Question: The RBT code of ethics encourages you to solve most ethical conflicts by

Answer: Directly discussing the issue with the person with whom the conflict is occurring

Question: Permanent Product Recording means archiving data in such a way that it is available for future comparisons

Answer: FALSE

Question: Which of the following procedures includes extinction?

Answer: Differential Reinforcement

Question: Social skills instruction should only occur in natural settings.

Answer: FALSE

Question: If you believe someone else is failing to treat a client with dignity, your first step in resolving the issue is to

Answer: express your concerns to the person whose behavior is a concern.

Question: Picture communication is easy for naive communication partners to understand.

Answer: TRUE

Question: If the learner is responding in a way that is not addressed by the prompting, error correction, and reinforcement procedures, the RBT must

Answer: Notify the BCBA

Question: An RBT may use the results of an interview or questionnaire conducted by the BCBA to

Answer: collect items for a preference assessment.

Question: Severe self injury and aggression, should not be assessed via functional analysis because of safety concerns.

Answer: FALSE

Question: When in doubt about where to make an abuse report, call

Answer: the police

Question: The type of graph used by precision teachers to track rate of learning and ensure the learner is on track for attaining fluency.

Answer: (B. Scatterplot)

Question: The most salient question when considering most-to-least vs least-to-most is the degree to which _____________ is likely to negatively impact learning.

Answer: Physical Prompting

Question: Behavior analytic assessments are used to identify specific target behaviors, collect baseline information, and

Answer: monitor treatment outcomes

Question: When a behavior is said to lead to escape or avoidance of tasks, the reinforcement category is

Answer: Social Negative

Question: The two types of time-out are called exclusionary and non-exclusionary

Answer: TRUE

Question: Conversing and answering questions are examples of...

Answer: Intraverbals

Question: The BACB's codes of ethics for RBTs has three sections: ____________________ , responsibility to clients, and competence and service delivery

Answer: responsible conduct

Question: Total count and Total Duration IOAs are less precise measures than mean count and mean duration per occurrence data.

Answer: TRUE

Question: All token economy systems should include a response cost component.

Answer: FALSE