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Many Motorcycle Crashes That Involve Other Vehicles Occur When

Question: New York and New Jersey are the only states with laws that require motorists to yield to emergency vehicles sounding sirens and/or flashing red and/or blue emergency lights.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Pedestrian deaths occur in how many percent of all traffic fatalities?

Answer: 0.17

Question: Motorists are prohibited from blocking the crosswalk when stopped at a red light or stop sign.

Answer: TRUE

Question: The average large truck traveling at 55 mph can take almost how many feet to stop?

Answer: 800 ft

Question: What are a truck's blind spots called?

Answer: No Zone

Question: When a school bus stops, all motorists traveling behind or approaching it must:

Answer: Stop

Question: As of 2008, how many mature drivers were licensed in the United States?

Answer: 22 million

Question: Many motorcycle crashes that involve other vehicles occur when:

Answer: The driver of the other vehicle misjudges the motorcyclist's speed or distanceANDThe driver of the other car fails to see the motorcycle at all

Question: An LSV, or low-speed vehicle, may not be driven on roadways with speed limits that exceed how many miles per hour?

Answer: 25 mph

Question: When encountering a construction-area warning sign, a motorist should:

Answer: Adjust speed and position to maintain space around his/her vehicle

Question: The only thing that can make a person sober is:

Answer: Time

Question: Some of the effects of alcohol that affect driving include:

Answer: Slower reaction timeImpaired visionANDInability to correctly judge another car's position on the road.

Question: Which age group presents the greatest risk for alcohol or drug-related fatalities?

Answer: 21 or younger

Question: Your blood alcohol content (BAC) depends on what kind of alcoholic beverage you drink.

Answer: FALSE

Question: It takes only a few drinks to raise your BAC to a level at which driving is illegal.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Drunk-driving fatalities have actually declined in recent years, thanks largely to:

Answer: Increased awareness of the importance of designated drivers

Question: It is okay to drive under the influence of prescription drugs. Because prescription drugs come from trusted health care professionals, they can't have a negative impact on your driving ability.

Answer: FALSE

Question: After alcohol, what is the drug most often found with drivers involved in collisions?

Answer: Marijuana

Question: If you keep yourself healthy, you will be a safer driver.

Answer: TRUE

Question: To keep from becoming tired on a long trip, you should:

Answer: Get a good night's sleep the evening before.Do not take any drugs that may make you drowsy.ANDTake regular rest stops on long trips, even when you are not tired.

Question: Defensive driving means:

Answer: Operating your vehicle in a manner that optimizes the safety for both yourself and those around you

Question: When it looks like a collision may happen, many drivers panic, and fail to react.

Answer: TRUE

Question: If you do not have an Antilock Braking System (ABS) and your car goes into a skid, you should:

Answer: Quickly let up on the brake pedal

Question: Even when a collision looks imminent, it's better to stay on the road than to steer off.

Answer: FALSE

Question: If your vehicle is about to be hit from the front:

Answer: Turn your vehicle and try to make the hit a "glancing blow."

Question: To avoid letting road rage get the best of you, which of the following should you try?

Answer: Do not drive when you are angry, upset or overly tired.ANDAllow enough travel time to reach your destination on schedule.

Question: Following another vehicle too closely is called:

Answer: Tailgating

Question: When should you use the "four-second plus rule"?

Answer: When driving in poor weather conditions

Question: At highway speeds of 50-55 mph, how many second(s) gap do you need in oncoming traffic to pass safely?

Answer: 10-12 seconds

Question: If you are involved in a crash, you must stop regardless of the extent of damage.

Answer: TRUE

Question: The best way to prevent speeding is to:

Answer: Know how fast you are going

Question: In general, the law requires that we:

Answer: Drive on the right side of the road

Question: U-turns are not legal everywhere.

Answer: TRUE

Question: When approaching a left hand turn, it's best to keep your left wheels as close as possible to the centerline, and to use the left side of the intersection as much as possible.

Answer: TRUE

Question: A motorist must stop:

Answer: At an intersection with a red light either flashing or illuminated.When approaching an intersection with a solid yellow traffic light.ANDWhen there is a yield sign, and traffic does not permit a safe merge.

Question: At a four-way stop, the driver reaching the intersection first has the right of way.

Answer: TRUE

Question: If a school bus is parked with its lights flashing on the opposite side of the road, you do not have to stop for it.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Use your high beams:

Answer: When driving at night on unfamiliar roads

Question: Use your horn when:

Answer: Another vehicle is in danger of hitting you.ANDYou have lost control of your vehicle.

Question: Drivers are responsible for making sure that their vehicle is not a hazard when it is parked.

Answer: TRUE

Question: A flashing red light means the same as a STOP sign.

Answer: TRUE

Question: If you see a flashing "Don't Walk" or "Raised Hand" light as you are crossing a street, turn around immediately and go back the way you came.

Answer: FALSE

Question: If you turn onto a road and encounter a WRONG WAY and/or a DO NOT ENTER sign, you should:

Answer: Drive to the side of the road and stop

Question: A sign that has a red circle with a red line through it means that you must proceed with caution.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Orange, diamond-shaped signs warn the motorist of:

Answer: Lane closingsLane shiftsANDUneven pavement

Question: If a traffic officer signals you to stop at a green light, you may ignore him.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Yellow solid and dashed lines:

Answer: Control passing

Question: HOV lanes are reserved only for cars with multiple riders.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Rumble strips are meant to warn motorists of:

Answer: Decision points ahead, such as four-way intersections.

Question: A roundabout is another word for detour.

Answer: FALSE

Question: A vehicle that is in bad shape is unsafe and costs more to run than one that is maintained.

Answer: TRUE

Question: The best way to learn how to maintain your car is to:

Answer: Read your car's service manual

Question: You should consult a mechanic if:

Answer: Your brakes emit an unusual odor.Your brakes make strange noises.ANDYour car pulls to one side when the brakes are applied.

Question: An out-of-line headlight can shine where it does not help you and may blind other drivers.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Worn tires:

Answer: Increase your stopping distance.Increase the effect of "hydroplaning."ANDMake turning more difficult.

Question: Your suspension:

Answer: Provides a comfortable ride over varying road surfaces.

Question: A poorly running engine may pollute the air.

Answer: TRUE

Question: A good rule of thumb for the side mirrors is to set them so that when you lean forward slightly, you can see the bottom of your vehicle.

Answer: FALSE

Question: Seat belts can save a life and improve a motorist's chances of surviving a crash by how many percent?

Answer: 0.6

Question: When buckling up, only lap belts are necessary; shoulder belts do not do very much to protect you.

Answer: FALSE

Question: When driving on city roads, a motorist should look at least how many seconds ahead?

Answer: 12 seconds

Question: An intersection with no lights or signs is called a(n):

Answer: Uncontrolled intersection

Question: You should always come to a complete stop when entering a highway, even when there is no STOP or YIELD sign.

Answer: FALSE

Question: When exiting a highway, you should signal at least how many feet before you reach the exit ramp?

Answer: 100 ft

Question: When driving through a water puddle, a motorist should check his/her brakes by pumping them?

Answer: TRUE

Question: If you find yourself hydroplaning:

Answer: Ease your foot off the gas until the car slows.

Question: What is the most difficult driving season?

Answer: Winter

Question: If an emergency requires you to drive during weather conditions such as snow and ice, driving to your destination quickly is safest.

Answer: FALSE

Question: The best advice for driving in the fog is:

Answer: Don't drive

Question: If you feel sleepy while driving, the only safe response is to get off the road and get some sleep.

Answer: TRUE

Question: "Move Over" laws require motorists to:

Answer: Move over and change lanes when driving by an emergency vehicle on the shoulder of the road.

Question: Which of the following is a contributing factor that causes collisions:

Answer: Distractions.Speeding.Alcohol and drugs.ANDIgnoring road signs.

Question: Driving without proof of insurance may result in the loss of driving privileges?

Answer: TRUE

Question: Forward collision avoidance systems:

Answer: Are audible systems that warn drivers when they are getting too close to other vehicles or objects in their path.

Question: Car accidents have no legal ramifications.

Answer: FALSE

Question: The single most important equipment that motorcycle riders must wear is:

Answer: Helmet

Question: Visually checking all aspects of a motorcycle is very important prior to riding.

Answer: TRUE

Question: The best way to cross railroad tracks on a motorcycle is:

Answer: At an angle

Question: The acronym for the process used to make judgments and take action in traffic is:

Answer: SIPDE

Question: When carrying another passenger, the motorcycle responds more quickly. As a result, it's important to driver at a faster speed.

Answer: FALSE

Question: When riding in a group on a long straight road, it's best to keep the following formation:

Answer: Staggered

Question: The following is/are effect(s) of riding a motorcycle after drinking alcohol:

Answer: Blurry vision.Difficulty judging distance.ANDLoss of balance

Question: Riding a motorcycle is more tiring than driving a car.

Answer: TRUE

Question: When carrying small cargo on a motorcycle, you should:

Answer: Keep the load low.Distribute the load evenly.ANDSecure the load

Question: The best way for others to see you is to keep headlights on at all times.

Answer: TRUE