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Question: Which of the following statements most accurately describes the complementarity of anatomy and physiology?

Answer: Functions occur because of the anatomy that exists within the body.*Physiology is explainable in terms of the underlying anatomy of the body.

Question: Which of the following best defines anatomy?

Answer: It is the study of the structure of body parts and their relationships with one another.*Anatomy is the study of the structure of body parts and their relationships with one another.

Question: Which subdivision of anatomy would include the study of individual cells?

Answer: Microscopic anatomy*Microscopic anatomy is the study of cells, which cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Question: Which of the following best demonstrates the principle of complementarity of structure and function?

Answer: Bones can support and protect body organs because they contain hard mineral deposits.*The principle of the complementarity of structure and function states that what a structure can do depends on its specific form. For example, bones can support and protect body organs because they contain hard mineral deposits.

Question: The study of large body structures, visible to the naked eye, such as the heart is called ________ anatomy.

Answer: Gross

Question: Which of the following describes the operation of the heart and blood vessels?

Answer: Cardiovascular physiology

Question: One of the descriptions below is from the perspective of anatomical study, the rest are from a physiological perspective. Select the description below that comes from an anatomical perspective.

Answer: A) The cell-to-cell connections between heart (cardiac) muscle cells are strong. They hold the tissue together for a life time of forceful contractions.B) The extremely thin tissue (simple squamous epithelium) of the lungs allows for the quick diffusion of respiratory gases into and out of the body.C) The direction of blood flow through the heart is directed by one way valves.D) The innermost lining of the lungs is composed primarily of a thin tissue called simple squamous epithelium. *

Question: Which numbered image in the figure would represent the level of organization corresponding to a protein molecule?

Answer: 2*A protein molecule is formed from the combination of many atoms.

Question: Which of these would be an INCORRECT conclusion about the structure shown in image 3 in the diagram?

Answer: It represents a specific type of cell.*Image 3 represents a cellular organelle, which is a component of a typical cell.

Question: Which interaction in the figure represents the primary means by which nutrients enter the transport system of the body?1

Answer: 1*Nutrients are absorbed from food and transported into the cardiovascular system for dispersal to body cells.

Question: Label the levels of structural organization in the human body.


Question: Which level of structural organization is considered to be the highest (most complex) level?

Answer: Organismal *The highest level of organization is the organism, the living human being. Thus, the organismal level represents the sum total of all structural levels working together to keep us alive.

Question: A structure that is composed of two or more tissue types that work together to perform specific functions for the body is a(n) ________.

Answer: Organ

Question: Which of the following organ systems are involved in the uptake and transport of materials required for life-sustaining processes?-Digestive system-Urinary system-Nervous system-Circulatory system-Reproductive system-Respiratory system

Answer: Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory*The digestive and respiratory systems bring nutrients required for metabolism to the circulatory system to be transported throughout the body.

Question: Which one of the following systems responds fastest to environmental stimuli?

Answer: Nervous

Question: Part completePlace the following in correct sequence from simplest to most complex:MoleculesAtomsTissuesCellsOrgans

Answer: 1. Atoms2. Molecules3. Cells4. Tissues5. Organs

Question: Which of the following is the best explanation for why cells are considered the smallest units of living things.

Answer: Cells are the simplest structure to fit all of the characteristics necessary to be considered alive.

Question: Moving from simpler to more complex, which level of organization is immediately before (simpler than) the cell?

Answer: Organelle

Question: Based on the Biological Hierarchy of Organization, tissues join together to form what structures?

Answer: Organs

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Question: Part completeWhich body cavity is further separated into other cavities?

Answer: Thoracic*The thoracic cavity contains the pericardial and pleural cavities, which in turn house the heart and lungs, respectively.

Question: All living organisms maintain a boundary between their internal environment and the external environment. Which of the following systems functions only within the internal environment of the human organism?

Answer: Circulatory system*The circulatory system carries and delivers nutrients and gases throughout the internal environment via the bloodstream.

Question: Why is the figure considered to be an example of a negative feedback system, as opposed to a positive feedback system?

Answer: The figure illustrates the correction of an imbalance back to a baseline.*Negative feedback, even though it sounds like a bad thing, is what keeps your body systems within a proper working range by reversing trends that move the body away from a set point.

Question: If the figure were used to represent a heating system in a home, which of the following would be most directly associated with the structure labeled B?

Answer: Thermostat setting*The structure represented by B is the control center of the homeostatic control system. In a home heating system, the control center stores the thermostat temperature setting. When deviations occur in the home temperature compared to that setting, it determines the appropriate response.

Question: If the figure were used to represent the regulation of body temperature, the structures represented by the letter C could include __________.

Answer: Sweat glands in the skin*Effectors in the homeostatic control of body temperature include sweat glands and skeletal muscles.

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Question: Which of the following is an example of a positive feedback?

Answer: Forming a platelet plug during blood clotting*In order to prevent blood loss, the body needs a mechanism that amplifies the action that leads to clotting in a short period of time. This cascade or enhancement of a process is a positive feedback mechanism.

Question: In a homeostatic control mechanism, which component monitors the environment?

Answer: Receptor*Homeostasis refers to maintenance of relatively stable internal conditions even though the outside world changes continuously. Receptors monitor changes occurring both inside and outside the body and send this information (called input) to control centers for processing.

Question: Type I diabetes is caused when an individual does not produce insulin. Which of the following statements regarding insulin is TRUE?

Answer: Insulin is the chemical messenger released from the pancreas when blood sugar is too high.*In type I diabetes, the cells in the pancreas that release insulin are destroyed by the individual's immune system. Insulin is the chemical messenger (hormone) that signals effectors, like the liver, to lower blood glucose when it is too high.

Question: Complete the Concept Map to explain how positive and negative feedback systems are related to body homeostasis.


Question: Body fluid levels are normally controlled by a negative feedback loop. What is involved in a negative feedback loop?


Question: Homeostasis depends on the activity of body systems to adjust a variable. Because our bodies work so well to maintain variables at set point, we often do not even notice the systems they use to do it. But in someone who is ill, these systems may not be able to maintain homeostasis; you need to be aware of this to head off possible problems. Which of the following can directly impact fluid balance?

Answer: RespiratoryUrinaryThroat musclesSweat glandsMuscles

Question: Mr. F has taken in a lot of fluid and put out very little. During this period his heart rate has increased a little and his blood pressure has decreased a little. What do you infer from this?

Answer: His body is raising blood pressure by both increasing blood volume with all this fluid intake and increasing heart rate. Something may be wrong with his blood volume.

Question: Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.


Question: Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.


Question: Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.


Question: Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.


Question: Which of the following regional anatomy terms matches the anatomical description "anterior and most distal?"

Answer: Metatarsal*The metatarsal region is the most distal region on this list and is seen from an anterior view. From a posterior view, the metatarsal region is not visible (instead you would see the plantar region).

Question: Which directional term is used to describe the relationship of the skin to the skeletal muscles?

Answer: Superficial*The skin covers the outside of the body; thus, it is superficial, or external, to the skeletal muscles

Question: T/F: The knee is proximal to the thigh

Answer: FALSE*Proximal means "closer to the origin of the body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk." Distal means "farther from the origin of a body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk." In this case, because the thigh is closer to the body trunk than the knee, the knee is distal (not proximal) to the thigh.

Question: Which of the following is the proper description of the human body in the anatomical position?

Answer: The body is erect with feet slightly apart, palms facing forward, and thumbs pointing away from the body.

Question: T/F: A coronal section divides an organ into superior and inferior portions.

Answer: FALSEA transverse section divides an organ into superior (top) and inferior (bottom) portions.

Question: Which of the following is the regional term that includes the head?

Answer: Axial The axial part of the body makes up the main axis of our body- includes the head, neck, and trunk.

Question: Which of the following cuts could cross the umbilical, pelvic, and nasal regions?

Answer: Sagittal sectionA sagittal section is a cut made through the sagittal planeā€”a vertical plane that divides the body into right and left parts. A midsagittal section would cross the nasal, umbilical, and pelvic regions.

Question: Parents bring a toddler to the emergency department after she tripped and fell on the sidewalk. You note a submental laceration. As you evaluate this girl, you are most concerned about trauma to which other anatomic region?

Answer: Oral*If the child landed forcefully on her chin, she may have damaged her teeth or tongue, which are within her oral region.

Question: You have been asked to teach the principles of CPR to a group of teens training to be lifeguards. You use a diagram of the thoracic cavity to help you explain how chest compressions can maintain circulation. Which view of the chest would best illustrate this point?

Answer: Sagittal*A sagittal view would clearly show that the heart is located between the sternum and the spine, allowing chest compressions to squeeze blood from the heart into the aorta.

Question: You go home for the holidays after your first semester of nursing school, and your grandma tells you that the doctor removed a nevus from her left scapular region. What procedure did she have done?

Answer: She had a mole removed from her left shoulder blade.

Question: Which of the following is NOT correct for anatomical position?

Answer: Palms facing inward towards the thighs*In anatomical position, the palms should face forward.

Question: Which of the following is located in a median position?

Answer: Mouth*This is on the midline, or median.

Question: The knee is proximal to the ankle. Which of these other terms could also be used to correctly describe the relationship between the knee and the ankle?

Answer: The knee is superior to the ankle.

Question: The cranial bones almost entirely surround the brain and protect it. Which of the following terms best describes the relationship between the cranial bones and the brain?

Answer: The cranial bones are superficial to the brain

Question: Which of the following is a term that can be used instead of dorsal?

Answer: Posterior

Question: Which of the following is a correct pairing of a body cavity with its contents?

Answer: The cavity at C contains the lungs.

Question: The ventral cavity includes which of the indicated subdivisions in the figure?

Answer: C, D, E*The ventral cavity includes the thoracic (C) and abdominopelvic cavities (D and E).

Question: What is the mediastinum?

Answer: A subdivision of the cavity indicated by the letter C.*The mediastinum is a cavity contained within the thoracic cavity.

Question: What is the role of the serous membranes covering some organs?

Answer: To prevent friction between the organ and body cavity wall*The two serous membrane layers are separated by a cavity containing serous fluid. This fluid allows organs to slide without friction across the cavity walls and one another as they carry out their routine functions.

Question: What is the function of serous fluid?

Answer: It enables organs, such as the heart and the stomach, to slide across cavity walls and each other without friction.*The slippery serous fluid allows the organs to slide without friction across the cavity walls and one another as they carry out their routine functions. This freedom of movement is especially important for mobile organs, such as the pumping heart and the churning stomach.

Question: Which of the following organs is least likely to be damaged in an automobile accident?

Answer: Urinary bladder*The urinary bladder is very well protected in the pelvic cavity by the two hip bones

Question: Pericarditis is a disorder in which pain is experienced in the_________.

Answer: Thoracic cavity*Pericarditis is an infection or inflammation of the connective-tissue covering surrounding the heart. The thoracic cavity contains the heart and lungs.

Question: Your friend broke a rib while playing in a pickup basketball game. Which of the following descriptions helps you understand precisely where he is experiencing pain?

Answer: Extreme discomfort just lateral to the sternum on the left side*This precise answer indicates to you that the pain is on the anterior thorax and, precisely to the left of the sternum.

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Question: The membrane that lines the thoracic cavity walls is the __________.

Answer: Parietal pleura*The thoracic cavity contains the lateral pleural cavities and the medial mediastinum. Parietal serosas are found on cavity walls.

Question: Which of the following correctly describes the function of serous fluid?

Answer: Reduce friction between the organs of the ventral cavity*Organs and the cavity walls in which they sit are covered with serous membranes. These membranes secrete serous fluid to allow organs to move and slide within the ventral cavity as they carry out their normal functions.

Question: If a patient experiences inflammation of the membrane on the surface of the stomach, which membrane is affected

Answer: Visceral peritoneum*Visceral serosas are found on organ surfaces, and membranes within the abdominopelvic subdivision of the ventral cavity are described as peritoneum.

Question: Which type of serous membrane is located within the lower mediastinum?

Answer: Parietal pericardium*The pericardial cavity, lined with parietal pericardium, occupies the lower part of the mediastinum.