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What New Technology Was Developed During The Zhou Dynasty

Question: What is the name of the desert on China's northern border near Mongolia?

Answer: The name of the desert on China's northern border near Mongolia was Gobi.

Question: What effect did China's mountains and deserts have on its early history?

Answer: The effect that China's mountains and deserts have on its early history was they limited farmland and separated China from the outside world.

Question: How did Shang rulers gain power?

Answer: Shang's rulers gain power by military force to gain power.

Question: Describe the biggest change for the Chinese people during the Zhou dynasty.

Answer: The biggest change for the Chinese people during the Zhou dynasty was the Mandate of Heaven is the belief that the Chinese king's right to rule came from the gods. The Mandate stated the idea that the gods chose a wise and good person to rule. The person chosen by the gods would govern honestly and well. His duty was to honor and please the gods. If there was a natural disaster or a bad harvest, that meant the king had failed and he could be replaced.

Question: How is the writing system developed by the early Chinese different from the writing system used in English?

Answer: Chinese writing uses pictographs and ideographs. English has 26 characters representing sounds that are put together to form words.

Question: What technology was developed in China during the Zhou dynasty?

Answer: The technology that was developed in China during the Zhou dynasty was a new irrigation system, saddles, and stirrups were developed.

Question: Why did Shang kings have questions scratched on oracle bones?

Answer: Shang kings have questions scratched on oracle bones because they had priests scratch questions on bones as a way to ask questions of the gods and ancestors.

Question: Compare and contrast the ideas of Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism?

Answer: They offered people a guide on how to live a good life.Confucianism- believed that people should work hard to make the world better and put the needs of their family and community first. Daoism- believed that people should turn away from the material world and focus on nature and the Dao. Legalism- believed that society needed a system of harsh laws and strict punishment.

Question: What developments led to the creation of the Silk Road?

Answer: The developments that led to the creation of the Silk Road was the Chinese exploration and Emperor Han Wudi's desire for horses for his army helped lead to the creation of the silk road.

Question: Why did the fall of the Han dynasty help Buddhism spread in China?

Answer: The fall of the Han dynasty helped Buddhism spread in China because it led to many years of civil war in China. The disorder made people feel unsafe. Buddhist ideas helped overcome their anxiety and fear.