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When One Gene Overshadows Another

Question: Alelle

Answer: One or two mor forms of a gene

Question: Carrier

Answer: Organisms whose gnome contains a gene for a certain trait or disease that is not expressed in the organism's phenotype.

Question: Codominance

Answer: A heterzygous genotype that equally expresses both traits from both alleles.

Question: Genotype-

Answer: The genes that are present in the DNA of an organism.

Question: Homozygous

Answer: A genotype that either has 2 uppercase letters or 2 lowercase letters.

Question: Cross

Answer: Mating of 2 organisms

Question: Crossing Over

Answer: Exchange of chromosome segments between homelogous chromosones during Miosis

Question: Phenotype

Answer: How a trait physically shows up in an organism.

Question: Alleles-

Answer: When one allele masks the effect of another that allele is called dominant while the other is called recessive.

Question: Dominant genes

Answer: one gene overshadows the other.

Question: Recessive Genes

Answer: the gene that is overshadowed by a dominant gene.

Question: Gene

Answer: Specific region of DNA that codes for a particular protein

Question: Genetics

Answer: Study of heredity patterns and variation of organisms

Question: Genome

Answer: All of an organism's genetic material

Question: Incomplete Dominance

Answer: Heterzygous phenotype that is a blend of the two homozygous phenotypes

Question: Karyotype

Answer: Image of all the chromosones in a cell

Question: Law of Independent Assortment

Answer: Mendel's second law stating that allele pairs separate from one another during gamete formation

Question: Law of Segregation

Answer: Mendel's first law stating that organisms inherit 2 copies of each gene from parent

Question: Monohybrid Cross

Answer: Cross or mating between 2 organisms that involve only pair of contrasting traits

Question: Pedigree

Answer: Chart of phenotypes and genotypes in a family that is used to determine whether an individual is a carrier of a recessive allele

Question: Polygentic Trait

Answer: Trait that is produced by 2 or more genes

Question: Probability

Answer: Liklihood that a particular event will happen

Question: Punnet Square

Answer: model for predicting all possible genotypes resulting from a cross or mating

Question: Purebred

Answer: Type of organism whose ancestors are genetically uniform

Question: Sex Linked Genes

Answer: Gene that is located on a sex chromosone

Question: Test Cross

Answer: Cross between an organism with unknown genotype and an organism with a recessive genotype

Question: Trait

Answer: A characteristic that is inheritied