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Which Of The Following Is True Of Local Health Departments

Question: Which of the following is true about global public health organization?

Answer: Public- private partnerships are increasingly providing innovative approaches to addressing global health issues

Question: A health department is responsible for licensure of physicians, nurses, and other health professionals. This is an example of which of the following essential public health services?

Answer: Assure a competent public and personal healthcare workforce

Question: T/F The Epidemic Intelligence Service sends in a team of investigators to determine the cause of a recent increase in acute pneumonia.Regarding Essential Public Health Services, this is an example of monitoring health status to identify and solve community health problems.

Answer: false- it is an example of diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community

Question: T/F Regarding Essential Public Health Services, an example of developing policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts is:A local health department is responsible for oversight of a community-wide effort that requires testing and follow-up of all newborns for a genetic disease.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Yearly publication of data on life expectancy is an example of which of the following essential public health services?

Answer: monitor health status to identify and solve community health problems

Question: Which of the following is true of local health departments?

Answer: They all have the same structure and scope of responsibilities across the country.They serve as the primary organization for implementation of the right to health care.They have defined constitutional responsibilities to provide for health services.

Question: Which of the following are true of community-oriented primary care?

Answer: It prioritizes interventions by considering the values of the community.It builds on the strengths of communities.It defines a community using quantitative and qualitative measures.

Question: Which of the following federal agencies is the consumer protection agency with authority for safety of foods and safety and efficacy of drugs?

Answer: Food and Drug Administration (FDA

Question: Which of the following federal agencies is the lead research agency that also funds training programs and communication of health information to the professional community and the public?

Answer: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Question: Which of the following agencies is the lead agency for prevention, health data, epidemic investigation, and public health measures aimed at disease control and prevention?

Answer: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)