The 1996 Telecommunications Act Facilitated Concentration Of Media Companies.

Which of the following statement about the historical development of mass media is NOT true?

Television was the first broadcast medium in history.

The introduction of broadcast media marked the first time that media producers did not have to:

Physically distribute their products

Which example below best demonstrates why Susan Douglas' proposes we consider technology through a lens of "soft determinism"?

US TV producers' invest in reality television because it is cheap to make.

Which of the following arguments is NOT considered an example of technological determinism?

radio because one of the successful commercial media in the United States, whereas communist Russia controlled radio and used it for propaganda medium.

Which conglomerate owns the sports cable network ESPN?

Walt Disney

If a media company integrates a talent agency, a film studio, and a movie theater, this is called ___ integration.


Michele Holmes is a proponent of the "homogenization hypothesis." TRUE OR FLASE?


What does SLUMPY stand for?

Social Liberal, urban minded professionals

The 1996 Telecommunications Act facilitated concentration of media companies. Trues or False


US government has regulated broadcast media differently than print or film primarily because

Broadcast signals use scarce public airwaves

Motion picture rating, television content ratings, and "Explicit Lyric" CD warning labels are all examples of:

Industry self-regulation

Community media is distinct from public media in that it is:


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