Chapter 14 Vocabulary
Question: AlleviateTo alleviate his loneliness, the widower moved closer to his daughter and her family.
Answer: To relieve; make easier to edure; ease.
Question: benefactorThe wealthy benefactor who paid for the child's operation perfers to remain anonymous.
Answer: A financial supporter. A person or organization that gives help, especially finaancial aid.
Question: CovertIf you enjoy covert activites, you should ecome a secret agent.
Answer: Concealed. Secret, hidden.
Question: CynicHer parents' nastce has made Libby a cnic about marriage.
Answer: Someone who believes the worst. A person who believes the worst of peoples' behavior and motives; someone who believes people are motivated only by selfishness.
Question: DemiseDuring my years in grade school and high school the untimely demise of several of my classmates made me very aware of my mortality.
Answer: Dying. Death.
Question: InfamousKing Henry VIII of England was infamous throughout Europe for excuting tow of his six wives.
Answer: Known unfavorably. Having a bad reputation; widely know for being vicious, criminal, or deserving of contempt.
Question: IntrinsicTrust is intrinsic to any good friendship.
Answer: Fundamental. Belonging to a person or thing by its very nature (and thus not dependant on circumstances);built in.
Question: RevulsionWhenever I read about chil abuse in the newspaper, I am filled with such revulsion that I often cannot finish the article.
Answer: Hatred. Great disgust or distaste.
Question: SpeculateIt's interesting to speculate how history might have been different if Abraham Lincoln had lived a few years longer.
Answer: To guess. To come up with ideas or theories about a subject; theorize.
Question: VirileMen who are unsure about their masculinity sometimes try and "prove" they are virile bu being overly aggressive.
Answer: Having attractive male qualities. Manly; msdculine.