Title Ix Training Quiz Answers
Question: If a resident asks you not to report it, do you have a choice?
Answer: No. However, you can keep it confidential.
Question: What is the difference between confidential and anonymous?
Answer: Confidential: you only tell the people who MUST know the information. Anonymous: We never make anonymous reports because you cannot promise you will leave out information.
Question: Do you have to report the name of the alleged perpetrator if it is told to you?
Answer: Yes. Reporting is required by law
Question: When do I notify my supervisor about a potential sexual violence or harassment case?
Answer: As soon as possible , no later than 7:45 the next morning
Question: What does it mean to be a mandated reporter?
Answer: As an RA you must report all cases of sexual violence and or harassment.
Question: Define sexual assault
Answer: Physical sexual contact with a person without consent of that person.
Question: Are unwelcome jokes that are sexual in nature or based on gender or sexual stereotypes considered sexual harassment?
Answer: Yes
Question: List three examples of sexual harassment
Answer: 1. Unwelcome sexual advancement 2. Unwelcome comments that are sexual in nature3. Unwelcome touching
Question: Where is the sexual assault form found?
Answer: Online or from your supervisor
Question: Who is the campus title IX coordinator?
Answer: Paige Reed
Question: It is okay ti report sexual violence or harassment cases to whomever, as long as their position in higher up than mine.
Answer: FALSE
Question: Survivors always need to make a police report
Answer: False, reporting to the police is not mandatory
Question: How do you access the safe room?
Answer: Contact your supervisor
Question: Sitting in a survivor's counseling session is a good idea.
Answer: False, you can refer a survivor to counseling at UHCS and you can walk them to their appointment if the ask you to. However you shouldn't sit in on a session with them.
Question: If the survivor wants to talk to the police that automatically means they have to prosecute
Answer: False, usually they can talk to the police without prosecuting
Question: Who decides to report to the police?
Answer: The survivor
Question: What can happen if the survivor decides to report to law enforcement?
Answer: law enforcement investigation, district attorney charging decision, plea bargain or trial, sentencing by the court, and imprisonment an/or supervision of the defendant. Not all cases make it through the entire process.
Question: Does the survivor have to testify if the choose to report to law enforcement?
Answer: It depends, however survivors should be prepared to testify.
Question: Where can a survivor go for a list of resources in the area?
Answer: www.wcasa.org
Question: Dating Violence
Answer: a pattern of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse that occurs in a dating relationship