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Which Is A Component To Building Your Resilience

Question: Which is not a sign that you are thriving in college and life?

Answer: You reach only the goals that others have set for you

Question: Developing coping mechanisms and life skills lead to

Answer: Resilience

Question: Optimistic people

Answer: Look on the bright side of problems

Question: Which is a component of building your resilience?

Answer: Developing a positive view of yourself

Question: What is commonly found on an academic calendar?

Answer: Add/drop deadlines

Question: How often should you check your calendar?

Answer: Once or twice each day

Question: Locus of control refers to

Answer: How much control you believe you have over events

Question: At the college level, professors primarily share information via

Answer: Lectures and the textbook

Question: What preference for learning do you have if you learn best by drawing and plotting events

Answer: Visual

Question: If recopying or typing notes help you remember material, you are a

Answer: Kinesthetic learner

Question: In critical thinking, what should you do after looking at other viewpoints/drawings conclusions

Answer: Develop your own viewpoint

Question: People who do not develop their thinking skills often

Answer: Make spur-of-the-moment decisions

Question: Becoming a critical thinker will help you to

Answer: Make better decisions

Question: Critical thinking is the

Answer: Thoughtful consideration of information and ideas

Question: Taking a first look at your assigned reading before you really tackle the content

Answer: Previewing

Question: How often should you review the material from a particular chapter

Answer: Once a week before the exam

Question: Writing two or three sentences to sum up material while organizing notes

Answer: Paragraph format

Question: Adding explanatory notes in the margins of a book you own

Answer: Annotate

Question: Which question should you ask to help you remember concepts and ideas as you read a textbook

Answer: What is the basic idea of what I am reading

Question: The info in your short term memory is forgotten within _______ unless you move it

Answer: 30 seconds

Question: _________ memory is defined as how many items you are able to understand and remember at one time

Answer: Short term

Question: Which statement best describes how college differs from high school

Answer: You will probably be part of a more diverse student body

Question: Anna is nervous about meeting her advisor, what can she do to have a valuable experience

Answer: Map out her time frame and goals

Question: Gene and Patty are partners but have conflicting schedules, he gives in, what skill did he use

Answer: empathy

Question: Joy is having trouble remembering material, she's kinesthetic, which is best?

Answer: She should add real-world examples and experiences

Question: Kirk has read the chapter title, the objectives, and the summary, what should he do next

Answer: Skim the chapter, looking at headings and subheadings

Question: Leigh recalls a bad date, which type of memory did Leigh use in remembering the story

Answer: Episodic