Which Statement About Gender And Cvd Is True

Question: The fatty, wax like substance that circulates through the bloodstream and performs many necessary functions is known asinsulin.statins.cholesterol.platelets.

Answer: cholesterol.

Question: A heartbeat that is too fast, too slow, or irregular is known aslymphoma.arrhythmia.angina.fibrillation.

Answer: arrhythmia.

Question: Which statement about gender and CVD is true?CVD kills more men than women.CVD kills more women than men.Women are more likely to die of breast cancer than a heart attack.Women are less likely than men to die within a year of having a heart attack.

Answer: CVD kills more women than men.

Question: Type 2 diabetesinvolves an inability to produce insulin, insulin resistance in the cells, or both.is the less common type of diabetes.is the more serious type of diabetes.involves the immune system, which destroys insulin-producing cells.

Answer: involves an inability to produce insulin, insulin resistance in the cells, or both.

Question: The thickening and hardening of the arteries is known asinfarction.arrhythmia.atherosclerosis.angina.

Answer: atherosclerosis.

Question: The greatest protection against heart disease isa positive attitude.exercise.a daily dose of aspirin.diet.

Answer: exercise.

Question: A cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is also known ascongestive heart failure.a stroke.sudden cardiac arrest.a heart attack.

Answer: a stroke.

Question: When plaque builds up in the coronary arteries, it causes a condition known asarterial sclerosis (AS).cardiovascular disease (CVD).coronary heart disease (CHD).sudden cardiac death (SCD).

Answer: coronary heart disease (CHD).

Question: When the heart cannot maintain its regular pumping rate, fluids back up, causing a condition known as pulmonary edema, which is associated withcongestive heart failure.a cerebrovascular accident.coronary heart disease.sudden cardiac death.

Answer: congestive heart failure.

Question: The major forms of cardiovascular disease arecancer, diabetes, heart disease and heart attacks, and lymphoma.atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart disease and heart attacks, and stroke.cancer, heart disease and heart attacks, stroke, and congestive heart failure.atherosclerosis, heart disease and heart attacks, stroke, and congestive heart failure.

Answer: atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart disease and heart attacks, and stroke.

Question: An arrhythmia called ventricular fibrillation, which makes the ventricle ineffective at pumping blood, can causesudden cardiac death.cardiovascular disease.coronary heart disease.arterial sclerosis.

Answer: sudden cardiac death.

Question: Age, gender, and race and ethnicity are allmajor risk factors for CVD that cannot be changed.unrelated to CVD risk factors.possible risk factors for CVD.contributing riskfactors for CVD that cannot be changed.

Answer: contributing riskfactors for CVD that cannot be changed.

Question: To help prevent CVD, doctors recommend a diet that includes fish, shellfish, and some nuts and seeds, which are all sources ofvitamin B-6.stanols and sterols.omega-3 fatty acids.folic acid.

Answer: omega-3 fatty acids.

Question: When the heart does not get enough oxygen to supply its needs, the result is chest pain, orarrhythmia.angina pectoris.myocardial infarction.lymphoma.

Answer: angina pectoris.

Question: Tobacco use, high blood pressure, and unhealthy cholesterol levels are allmajor risk factors for CVD that can be changed.major risk factors for CVD that cannot be changed.minor risk factors for CVD that cannot be changed.minor risk factors for CVD that can be changed.

Answer: major risk factors for CVD that can be changed.

Question: Blood fats absorbed from food and manufactured by the body are known aslipoproteins.homocysteine.statins.triglycerides.

Answer: triglycerides.

Question: The most common warning symptom of a heart attack, for both men and women, isunusual tiredness.pain in one or both legs.nausea and vomiting.chest pain or discomfort.

Answer: chest pain or discomfort.

Question: Insulin stimulates thekidneys and muscles to store glucose as glycogen.liver and muscles to store glucose as estrogen.kidneys and muscles to store glucose as estrogen.liver and muscles to store glucose as glycogen.

Answer: liver and muscles to store glucose as glycogen.

Question: Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, severe headache, and trouble seeing or talking are all symptoms of asudden cardiac event.heart attack.stroke.congestive heart failure event.

Answer: stroke.

Question: A disorder involving a disruption in the metabolism of glucose is known asangina.angina pectoris.thrombosis.diabetes mellitus.

Answer: diabetes mellitus.

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