I Hate CBT's

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A Radiology Technician Approaches A New Patient And States

Question: litigious

Answer: increase in lawsuits

Question: Plantiff

Answer: person filing civil charges in lawsuit

Question: Defendant

Answer: person against whom charges are being brought

Question: liable

Answer: legally responsible

Question: precedent

Answer: Decisions made by judges in various courts that become rule of law and apply to other cases. Also known as case law

Question: Summary Judgement

Answer: A decision made by a court in a lawsuit in response to a motion that pleads there is no basis for a trial.

Question: product liability

Answer: •Manufacturers of health care equipment can be liable through:

•Breach of warranty

•Untrue statements•

Liability for defective products


•Intentional deceit

Question: Comparing Aspects of Law and Ethics


Question: Law

Answer: •Rule of conduct or action formally recognized as binding by a controlling authority

•Enforcement made possible by penalties for disobedience

•Fines, imprisonment, or both

Question: Ethics

Answer: •Ethics are focused on standards of behavior and the concept of right and wrong

•Standards, principles and guide of conduct

•Moral values formed through the influence of family, culture, and society serve as the basis for ethical conduct.