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A Recommended Recruitment Strategy For Older Adult Subjects Is

Question: Older adults have been excluded from research participation because

Answer: Their conditions are considered to confound research protocols

Question: An aging population has resulted in the need to

Answer: include more older adults in research to ensure generalizability of research results

Question: Federal regulations require that additional safeguards have been included in a study to protect the rights and welfare of these subjects:

Answer: children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally disabled persons, or economically or educationally disadvantaged persons

Question: To ensure that researchers are conducting a study according to IRB requirements, IRBs could

Answer: Observe the consent process or research procedures

Question: Research with older adults should include

Answer: Provisions for assessing capacity to consent

Question: Legally Authorized Representatives (LARs) should be involved in the consent process when

Answer: Prospective subjects are assessed and determined to lack capacity to make consent decisions

Question: Clinicians find it difficult to care for older adults because

Answer: They have not been included in studies so prescribing drugs involves a lot of unknown risk

Question: A recommended recruitment strategy for older adult subjects is

Answer: Involve local leadership in recruitment

Question: The informed consent process with older adults can be improved by

Answer: Including a limited number of alternatives

Question: Regulations require that IRB membership include

Answer: Members with sensitivity to community attitudes