A Research Based Curriculum Alone Can Turn Schools Around.
Question: Some very smart people have dyslexia.
Answer: True
Question: Dyslexia may be inherited.
Answer: True
Question: Children who can’t read by age 9 never will.
Answer: False
Question: Around 10-15 percent of the population have dyslexia.
Answer: True
Question: Dyslexia is seeing things backward.
Answer: False
Question: You can’t identify dyslexic children before they enter school.
Answer: False
Question: School improvement requires long-term commitment.
Answer: True
Question: A research-based curriculum alone can turn schools around.
Answer: False
Question: Dyslexia affects far more boys than girls.
Answer: False
Question: All but 2-5 percent of children can learn to read.
Answer: True