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A Researcher Submits A Study To The Irb


Answer: Determination for Exemption

Question: Where could student researchers and/or student subjects find additional resources regarding the IRB approval process? Select all that apply.

Answer: Faculty Advisor/Research Mentor- IRB Office

Question: In the U.S., the first federal regulations for human subjects research began in 1981 with the codification of the ________.

Answer: Nuremberg Code

Question: Which of the following studies would need IRB approval?

Answer: Studies collecting identifiable information about living individuals.

Question: Which type of IRB review does not require an IRB approval but does require a determination by an individual designated with that task (such as an IRB member or experienced staff person)?

Answer: Exempt


Answer: Convened Review

Question: Your informed consent form must describe _______.

Answer: all foreseeable risks and discomforts.

Question: In the U.S., the first federal regulations for human subjects research began in 1981 with the codification of the ________.

Answer: common rule

Question: Which of the following studies would need IRB approval?

Answer: Studies collecting identifiable information about living individuals.


Answer: Not Human Subjects