I Hate CBT's

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A Rewarding Consequence Of Cigarette Smoking Is That It Reduces


Answer: d

Question: By 1960, the study of consciousness had been revived by psychologists’ renewed interest in

  1. perception.

b. emotion.

c. socialization.

d. mental processes.e.mental health.

Answer: d

Question: Hypnotized people are no more likely to perform dangerous acts than those who are asked to simulate hypnosis. This fact is most consistent with

  1. the activation-synthesis theory.

b. dissociation theory.

c. Freud’s dream theory.

d. social influence theory.e.withdrawal theory.

Answer: d

Question: A rewarding consequence of cigarette smoking is that it reduces

  1. blood pressure.

b. sensitivity to pain.

c. mental alertness.

d. the release of epinephrine into the bloodstream.e.heart rate.

Answer: b

Question: Sodium pentothal has sometimes been called a “truth serum” because it relaxes people and enables them to more freely disclose personally embarrassing experiences. It is most likely that sodium pentothal is a(n)

  1. barbiturate.

b. amphetamine.

c. hallucinogen.

d. form of cocaine.e.opiate.

Answer: a

Question: The school of thought in psychology that systematically avoided the study of consciousness during the first half of the last century was

  1. psychoanalysis.

b. behaviorism.

c. functionalism.

d. structuralism.e.Gestalt psychology.

Answer: b

Question: Research indicates that the percentage of total sleep spent in REM sleep is higher in ________ than in ________.

  1. artists; scientists

b. infants; adults

c. females; males

d. older adults; adolescentse.higher economic classes; lower economic classes

Answer: b


Answer: a


Answer: c

Question: After four years of working nights, Raymond now works days. His present difficulty in getting to sleep at night is most likely due to a disruption of his normal

  1. circadian rhythm.

b. hypnagogic sensations.

c. alpha wave pattern.

d. sleep apnea.e.physical dependence.

Answer: a