Apush Leq Unit 8 Prompts
Compare and Contrast America after WWI and WWII
Contextualization: larger context of the Red Scares; Soviet Union and Communism
Causes of the Cold war
Contextualization: Stalin's Goals= his own security and paranoia, Russian Security, Buffer (between west and russia spreading Communism)
Comintern= spreading communism world wide
Cause and Effect of the economic boom
Contextualization: WWII mass production and isolation causing Strong Am. Companies
Continuity and Change of civil rights
Contextualization: WWII Fighting for democracy but african Americans still segregated
Continuity and Change of Cold War ( 1965- 1990)
Contextualization: WWII (seperation of Berlin to defeat Berlin) Berlin wall, Potsdam Conference
Continuity and Change after Watergate
Contextualization: Red Scare and staying too long in Vietnam for things that didn't concern the US
Continuity and Change Foreign Policy
Contextualization: WWII isolationism we did not want to be addressed by other nations and refused to take part in international affairs until japan dragged us into the war and we got involved by creating things like the UN