I Hate CBT's

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Classify The Given Items With The Appropriate Group.

Label the glial cells of the CNS.

-Ependymal Cell
-Microglial Cell

Removal of the left cerebral hemisphere would prevent voluntary movement of the right side of the body.


Place in order the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

5 - CSF flows into the arachnoid villi and drains into the dural venous sinuses.

3 - CSF flows through the paired lateral apertures or the single medial aperture and into the central canal of the spinal cord.

1 - CSF is produced by the choroid plexus in the ventricles.

2 - CSF flows from the 3rd ventricle through the cerebral aqueduct into the 4th ventricle.

4 - CSF flows through the subarachnoid space and removes waste products.

A regenerating axon in the PNS is guided by the regeneration tube, and grows at a rate of about 5 mm per day


The name of the glial cell that covers the capillaries in the brain with its perivascular feet, helping to form the blood-brain barrier is a(n) ______________.


The specific location where two neurons meet is called a ____________.


Place the following labels in the proper position to designate the appropriate glial cells.

-Form the myelin sheath in the CNS

Ependymal Cells
-Function in the production and circulation of CSF

-Cells of the lymphatic system
-Marcrophages of the CNS

-Most abundant CNS glial cell
-Involved in neurogenesis, scar formation, and BBB maintenance

-Form the myelin sheath in the PNS

Satellite Cells
-PNS cells that surround and insulate the somas

The most direct effect of severing the corpus callosum would be that

the cerebral hemispheres could not directly communicate.

The nervous system is involved in most body functions. Match the following definitions or examples with the correct term.

Sensory Input
-Nervous system receieves numerous external and internal stimuli from receptors
-Chemical receptors reveive information for our sense of smell and tatste

Muscle and Gland Control
-The ability to run and swim is initiated by the brain and spinal cord
-The nervous system controls salivation in response to food
-Biofeedback can slow heart attacks

-The ability to detect interpret and respond to changes in internal and external conditions

-The brain can calculate if a response is needed to a stimulus

Classify the given items with the appropriate group.

Structural Classification
-Based upon the CNS component nerve arises from
- Would include spinal nerves

Functional Classification
-Based upon direction information is sent
-Would include sensory nerves
-Would include motor nerves
-Would include mixed nerves

The fundamental physiological properties that enable nerve cells to communicate with other cells are

All of these choices are correct.

Correctly label the following anatomical features of the neuroglia.

-Myelinated axon
-Myelin sheath (cut)
-Microglial cell

Pain receptors in the skin send signals to the CNS for processing. These pain receptors are an example of ____________ neurons.


Put the cranial meninges in order, from deep (closest to the brain) to superficial (farthest from the brain).

3 - Dura mater
1 - Pia mater
2 - Arachnoid mater

The ___________ nervous system transmits information from receptors to the CNS, while the ___________ nervous system transmits information from the CNS to the rest of the body.

sensory; motor

The most common type of neuron contains many dendrites and a single axon. Structurally, this is classified as a(n) ______________ neuron


In a nerve, groups of axons are wrapped into separate bundles called ____________.


As you are reading these words on the screen, what part of your brain is allowing you to perform the complex, conscious intellectual task of reading and comprehension?


A typical synapse in the CNS consists of a presynaptic neuron and a postsynaptic neuron, separated by a narrow space called the

Synaptic Cleft

Correctly label the following functional regions of the cerebral cortex.

-Primary Motor Cortex
-Primary Somatosensory Cortex
-Primary Visual Cortex
-Primary Auditory Cortex
-Primary Olfactory Area
-Primary Gustatory Cortex

Nerve growth factors that stimulate outgrowth of severed axons are secreted by


Myelin does more than protect axons, it also permits action potentials to travel more rapidly. Complete these True or False questions to test your understanding of myelinated and unmyelinated neurons.

1. In myelinated axons, the plasma membrane of neurolemmocytes or oligodendrocytes must repeatedly wrap around a segment of an axon to form the myelin sheath. TRUE

2. Nodes of Ranvier are gaps found in the plasma membrane of neurolemmocytes and oligodendrocytes. FALSE

3. There are neurolemmocytes or oligodendrocytes in unmyelinated areas of the neuron. TRUE

4. There are neurolemmocytes or oligodendrocytes at a node of Ranvier. TRUE

5. In unmyelinated axons, the axon may be surrounded by a series of neurolemmocytes or oligodendrocytes. TRUE

Classify the given items with the appropriate group.

-Can myleinate 1mm portions of axons of many neurons
-Found in the CNS only
-No formation of neurilemma

-Nerves located in the abdomen
-Only myelinates 1mm portion of a single axon
-Takes many to myelinate one axon
-Found in PNS only
-Has a neurilemma formed

Another term for the __________ system is the afferent nervous system.


Classify the given items with the appropriate group

Multipolar Neuron
-Most common type of neuron
-Have many dendrites and a single axon

Bipolar Neuron
-Have one axon and one dendrite

Unipolar Neuron
-Have central and peripheral processes

Anaxonic Neuron
-No axons are present
-Only produce local potentials

Label the regions involved in interpreting and carrying out speech information

-Prefontral Cortex
-Motor speech area
-Wernike Area

Label the structures of a nerve


Label the regions of gray and white matter in the brain.

-Inner White Matter
-Corpus Callosum
-Internal Capsule
-Cerebral Neuclei

The vagus nerve contains afferent and efferent neurons, therefore it is an example of a(n) __________ nerve.
